Record No: CB 118582    Version: Council Bill No: CB 118582
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 12/14/2015
Ordinance No: Ord 124961
Title: AN ORDINANCE authorizing, in 2015, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Executive Department, City Budget Office, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Parks and Recreation, Human Services Department, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Department of Information Technology, and Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants, private funding donations and subsidized loans and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
Sponsors: Nick Licata
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att A - Grants Acceptance Detail Table, 3. Signed Ordinance 124961


ORDINANCE __________________

COUNCIL BILL __________________


AN ORDINANCE authorizing, in 2015, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Executive Department, City Budget Office, Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Parks and Recreation, Human Services Department, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, Department of Information Technology, and Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants, private funding donations and subsidized loans and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.



Section 1. The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee, the City Budget Director, the Director of the Department of Neighborhoods, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, the Director of the Human Services Department, the Fire Chief, and the Chief of Police are authorized to accept the following non-City funding from the grantors listed below, and to execute, deliver, and perform on behalf of The City of Seattle, agreements for the purposes described below. The funds, when received, shall be deposited in the receiving fund identified below to support, or as reimbursement for, the corresponding appropriations set forth in the ordinance introduced as Council Bill 118581.








Department of Neighborhoods (DON)

Living Cities

This grant will support the City's participation in the City Accelerator initiative and will provide funding to support the development of Seattle's system to share learning from community engagement within and across departments.


General Subfund (00100)


Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

Washington State Department of Commerce

The grant supports the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center Renovation-2008 Parks Levy project, and will be used to construct a 400 square foot storage space at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center.


2008 Parks Levy Fund (33860)


Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

Seattle Housing Authority

This grant supports the current Yesler Terrace Neighborhood Park Development project (K730203), and will be used to develop a new Neighborhood Park in the Yesler Terrace community and other related work.


2008 Parks Levy Fund (33860)


Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

State of Washington

This grant supports the current Yesler Terrace Neighborhood Park Development project (K730203), and will be used to develop a new Neighborhood Park in the Yesler Terrace community and other related work.


2008 Parks Levy Fund (33860)


Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

Seattle Parks Foundation

This grant supports the current Yesler Terrace Neighborhood Park Development project (K730203), and will be used to develop a new Neighborhood Park in the Yesler Terrace community and other related work.


2008 Parks Levy Fund (33860)


Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

Seattle Parks Foundation

This grant supports the current Yesler Terrace Neighborhood Park Development project (K730203), and specifically will be used to fund the design, installation, and future maintenance of a small soccer field within the park.


2008 Parks Levy Fund (33860)


Finance General (FG)

Department of Justice

The bulk of the funding supports the purchase of 369 body worn cameras for use by SPD officers. This grant also funds travel and training for project staff, overtime costs associated with officer training and graduate interns to assist with data collection and analysis. 


General Subfund (00100)


Human Services Department (HSD)

University of Washington

This grant will be used to help deliver education and outreach to primary care practices on community based resources for older adults and those facing dementia; to facilitate the enrollment of patients, families, and caregivers into evidence-based programs upon referral from primary care providers.


Human Services Operating Fund (16200)


Human Services Department (HSD)

Seattle King County Public Health

This grant is part of a larger three year, $9,000,000 grant, to support efforts related to obesity and tobacco prevention, in order to improve the health of youth, families, and communities.


Human Services Operating Fund (16200)


Human Services Department (HSD)

Tan Fang-Ming Kao Donation

This grant will support one-time costs associated with establishing the new Roy Street Shelter.


Human Services Operating Fund (16200)



U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

The purpose of this grant is to partially reimburse the City for costs associated with the training, administration, and staffing necessary to enforce HUD cases.


General Subfund (00100)



U.S. Small Business Administration

This award is intended to support the development, implementation, and improvement of online tools that let entrepreneurs learn about the business startup process in their area, including how to register and apply for all required local licenses and permits.


General Subfund (00100)



King Conservation District

Funds will support the Fresh Bucks program, specifically to help with coordination efforts between the City, implementation partners, and new partners.


General Subfund (00100)



Washington State Department of Health

This four-year USDA grant for the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentives (FINI) is being granted via the Washington State Department of Health. The grant will provide a dollar-for-dollar match to support the expansion of the Fresh Bucks program.


General Subfund (00100)



Public Health Seattle-King County

This grant will support the City’s Food Action Plan goal to increase healthy food access for low-income residents through expansion of the Fresh Bucks program.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance

This grant provides funding for the Real Time Crime Center in the Police Department.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Washington State Military Department

This grant provides funding for the Office of Emergency Management to strengthen the City's ability to deal with natural disasters and other emergencies.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance

This grant provides support for a collaborative model to combat foreign and domestic human trafficking in Western Washington.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

This grant provides funding to support of the Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, led by the Seattle Police Department in partnership with regional partners, to interdict, investigate, and prosecute technology-facilitated crimes against children.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Federal Emergency Management Agency and U.S. Department of Homeland Security

This grant provides funding to enhance regional homeland security efforts.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Washington State Military Department and Federal Emergency Management Agency

This grant provides funding to continue and enhance the City of Seattle's ability to prevent, protect, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism as well as other emergency events.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Metropolitan Improvement District of the Downtown Seattle Association

This grant provides funding for supplemental police services within MID boundary areas.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

SODO Business Improvement Area

This grant provides funding for supplemental police services within the SODO BIA boundaries.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

King County Emergency Medical Services Levy

This funding will reimburse the department for emergency preparedness and 9-1-1 education to Seattle's most vulnerable residents provided under the community services contract between PHSKC and OEM.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of detective overtime associated with the investigation of drug cases. The purpose of this work is to disrupt and interdict the flow of illegal drugs into the City.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Federal Bureau of Investigation

This funding reimburses SPD for overtime spent while working with the FBI to identify, disrupt, and dismantle existing and emerging violent criminal enterprises and gangs in King County, as well as other individuals and groups whose criminal activity negatively impacts the Puget Sound area.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of detective overtime associated with the investigation of four high priority drug cases. The purpose of this work is to disrupt and interdict the flow of illegal drugs into the City.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of overtime associated with joint operations and task forces related to ICE operations.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation

This funding reimburses SPD for overtime associated with working with the FBI on international and domestic terrorism investigations.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Marshals

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of overtime associated with apprehending violent fugitives.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of overtime spent pursuing cases of domestic sex trafficking of children in the United States.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of overtime associated with pursuing violent gangs through sustained, proactive, coordinated investigations. There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

This funding reimburses SPD for costs of detective overtime spent in connection with the Puget Sound Regional Gun Task Force and other efforts related to recovery of evidence. The Regional Gun Task Force is focused on increasing the ability of law enforcement to trace shell casings and firearms used in crimes and thus identify shooters and take them off the streets.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

King County

This funding will reimburse the Seattle Police Department for replacement of equipment needed for continued operation of E-911 call taking systems. There are no matching requirements or capital improvement projects associated with this item.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Police Department (SPD)

Washington State Traffic Safety Commission

This item provides funding for supplemental DUI and DRE training for police officers.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)

US Department of Homeland Security- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

The grant will fund Regional Preventive Radiological/Nuclear training and a Regional Marine Specialized Training for the Seattle Fire Department and their Puget Sound Partners.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)

US Department of Homeland Security- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

This award will amend an existing grant to provide funds in 2015-16 for a SFD Lieutenant to continue working with a program at the University of Arizona to assist Fire Departments in re-designing their driver training programs, participating in a University Research project and attending an annual meeting with FEMA.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)

US Department of Homeland Security- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

This is a new grant that will fund Structural Collapse Refresher Training, Communications Leader Training, and purchase CBRNE Structural Collapse Breaching and Heavy Lifting/Shoring equipment.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)

State of Washington

The grant funds will reimburse overtime and backfill costs incurred by the Fire Department for deployment of qualified firefighters to eleven separate wild fires in the State of Washington between July and October, 2015.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)

Pierce County

This grant provides reimbursement for mandatory emergency response trainings provided by the Pierce County Office of Emergency Management for SFD members on the regional Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)

US Department of Homeland Security

The grant provides funding to the current Bio Watch program for program staff to attend the National BioWatch Conference and Stakeholder’s Workshop. This program provides reliable air quality testing and monitoring for 16 collector sites and special events in the Seattle area and strengthens the response network in Seattle to counter biological terrorism.


General Subfund (00100)


Seattle Fire Department (SFD)


This item provides reimbursements for vehicle damages caused by other parties.


General Subfund (00100)








                     Section 2. The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee and the Chief Technology Officer are authorized to accept the following non-City funding from the grantors listed below, and to execute, deliver, and perform on behalf of The City of Seattle, agreements for the purposes described below.








Cable Television Franchise Subfund (CBLFEE)

Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC

The contribution, along with internet and cable services provided to community organizations, will enhance the City's effort to reduce the digital divide for disadvantaged residents and increase access to, and proficiency using, internet-based technologies consistent with the goals of the Digital Equity Initiative.


Cable Television Franchise Subfund (00160)



U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The purpose of this grant is to partially reimburse the City for costs associated with the training, administration, and staffing necessary to enforce EEOC cases.


General Subfund (00100)








Section 3. The Director of Seattle Public Utilities is authorized to accept, execute, deliver, and perform on behalf of The City of Seattle, agreements for the following loan for the purpose described below and is authorized to obligate the City to repay the loan according to its terms. The funds, when received, shall be deposited in the receiving fund identified below to support, or as reimbursement for, spending on the purposes set forth in the loan agreement.


Loan Provider





Washington State Department of Ecology

This item accepts a loan from the Washington State Department of Ecology up to $42,000,000 to fund the construction of the Henderson North CSO Reduction project. This loan will be paid back over 20 years with a 2.4 percent interest rate starting when construction is complete.


Wastewater Fund (44010)







Section 4.  Any act consistent with the authority of this ordinance taken prior to its effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed.



Section 5.  This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.

Passed by the City Council the ____ day of ________________________, 2015, and

signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this

 _____ day of ___________________, 2015.



                                                                                                         President __________of the City Council


                     Approved by me this ____ day of _____________________, 2015.



                                                                                                         Edward B. Murray, Mayor


                     Filed by me this ____ day of __________________________, 2015.



                                                                                                         Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk

