ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to employment in Seattle; amending Chapters 14.16, 14.17, 14.19, and 14.20 of the Seattle Municipal Code to prescribe additional remedies and enforcement procedures, harmonize ordinance language, and add provisions to facilitate compliance; amending Section 3.14.931 of the Seattle Municipal Code to update duties of the Seattle Human Rights Commission; and amending Section 5.55.230 of the Seattle Municipal Code to require labor standards compliance for business license tax certificates.
WHEREAS, the Seattle City Council issued a statement of legislative intent to prepare legislation to increase remedies for violations of Seattle's labor standards ordinances and strengthen enforcement procedures; and
WHEREAS, the Office of the City Auditor performed an enforcement audit of Chapter 14.16, the Paid Sick and Safe Time Ordinance, for the period of September 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013, issued its report on October 17, 2014, and made 13 recommendations to address its findings, strengthen enforcement, and enhance implementation; and
WHEREAS, clear and comprehensive remedies for labor standards ordinance violations, including retaliation, are critical to protecting workers from theft of wages, tips, and benefits, and other compensation due by reason of employment, and substandard working conditions, as well as protecting employers from unfair competition from employers who do not comply; and
WHEREAS, data-driven directed investigations are more effective than complaint-based investigations at creating and maintaining employer compliance with labor standards laws; and
WHEREAS, the state of New York recently moved to end wage theft and retaliation in the nail salon industry through a comprehensive package of targeted culturally competent outreach, directed investigations, strengthened remedies, and monitored future compliance; and
WHEREAS, the Cit...
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