ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Sections 25.05.675 and 25.05.800 of the Seattle Municipal Code to clarify and update references to the Comprehensive Plan and restore the categorical exemptions for State Environmental Policy Act review of proposed "infill" development.
WHEREAS, in 2003, the law governing infill development categorical exemptions (RCW 43.21C.229) was enacted by the state of Washington to encourage growth consistent with the Growth Management Act; and
WHEREAS, RCW 43.21C.229 authorizes cities planning under RCW 36.70A.040 to establish categorical exemptions from RCW 43.21C (the State Environmental Policy Act) that differ from the exemptions in RCW 43.21C.110(1)(a); and
WHEREAS, under RCW 43.21C.229, the infill development categorical exemptions are allowed to be applied by local governments within an urban growth area, when the environmental impacts of such exemptions have been considered, when the City's comprehensive plan has received environmental review in the form of an environmental impact statement, and where current density and intensity for growth areas are lower than called for in the City's comprehensive plan; and
WHEREAS, in 2012, The City of Seattle adopted infill development categorical exemptions for Urban Centers and Urban Villages that contain a Station Area Overlay District where the density and intensity for growth areas were lower than those called for in the City's comprehensive plan; and
WHEREAS, in 2015, The City of Seattle removed infill development categorical exemptions pending further analysis to be completed as part of Seattle 2035 planning process to develop growth estimates for Urban Centers and Villages for the 2015-2035 planning horizon; and
WHEREAS, in 2016, the Office of Planning and Community Development completed its Seattle 2035 planning process and associated environmental impact statement for Coun...
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