ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the acquisition of real property commonly known as 5104 SW Orleans Street; and authorizing acceptance and recording of the deed for open space, park, and recreation purposes.
WHEREAS, the City Council passed Ordinance 124468 in 2014, authorizing the interlocal agreement between The City of Seattle (City) and the Seattle Park District, which included the Seattle Park District Financial Plan: 2015-2020; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Park District Financial Plan: 2015-2020 included the Park Land Acquisition and Leverage Fund, which is to be used to acquire park lands, including acquisition of properties to fill gaps in existing public ownership and preserve continuity within the City's greenspaces; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation has determined
Schmitz Preserve Park provides significant open space benefits including wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities, and the area is, therefore, a priority area for additional acquisitions for parks and open space; and
WHEREAS, the owner of the property at 5104 SW Orleans Street has offered to sell his property to the City while retaining a life estate, which will allow him to live out his life in his house, and this acquisition will fill a gap in
Schmitz Preserve Park; and
WHEREAS, funding for the acquisition is available from the Park Land Acquisition and Leverage Fund and has been appropriated by Ordinance 124927; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. The Superintendent of Parks and Recreation ("Superintendent"), or the Superintendent's designee, is authorized, on behalf of The City of Seattle, to acquire the following described real property, subject to a reservation of life estate measured by the life of William B. Stotler, situated in the City of Seattle, County of King, State of Washingto...
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