Record No: CBA SDOT-500-B-001    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CBA SDOT-500-B-001
Type: Council Budget Action (CBA) Status: Approved
Current Controlling Legislative Body Legislative Department
On agenda: 11/18/2020
Ordinance No:
Title: Add $29.8 million of Seattle Transportation Benefit District Fund to SDOT to implement voter-approved Proposition 1 and add a new Seattle Transportation Benefit District - Transit Improvements (MC-TR-C108) project to the CIP
Attachments: 1. CBA SDOT-500-B-001, 2. CBA SDOT-500-B-001 ATT A - New STBD CIP Page


Add $29.8 million of Seattle Transportation Benefit District Fund to SDOT to implement voter-approved Proposition 1 and add a new Seattle Transportation Benefit District - Transit Improvements (MC-TR-C108) project to the CIP