ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to grant funds from non-City sources; amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget; authorizing the Mayor or Mayor's designees to accept specified grants and execute related agreements for and on behalf of the City; changing appropriations to various departments; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
WHEREAS, more than half of Seattle's residents are renters, and even before COVID-19, a substantial share of renters paid more than 30 percent of their income to remain stably housed; and
WHEREAS, the global COVID-19 crisis shows that our collective health depends on people being stably housed; and
WHEREAS, Seattle renters are facing job loss, struggling with childcare, and dealing with other unprecedented financial burdens stemming from the global COVID-19 crisis, leaving many unable to pay rent; and
WHEREAS, notwithstanding Governor Inslee's eviction moratorium, renters need to pay their rent to ensure long-term housing stability; and
WHEREAS, before the COVID-19 pandemic, people of color already experienced more negative health and life outcomes due to systemic inequities and discrimination; and
WHEREAS, these outcomes have become especially apparent during the pandemic as reflected in communities of color being disproportionately impacted by infections, deaths, and the resulting economic fallout; and
WHEREAS, national best practices highlight that, in order to have the most effective and greatest impact in providing equitable access to rent assistance programs by those most impacted by the pandemic, racial equity strategies are necessary; and
WHEREAS, these strategies are best informed and implemented by the people most deeply and directly impacted by the pandemic, most often by organizations based in communities of color and led by members of those communities with priorities on cultural competence, language access, and fo...
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