RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION relating to Seattle Public Utilities; adopting a 2021-2026 Strategic Business Plan for Seattle Public Utilities; and endorsing a three-year rate path and a subsequent, three-year rate forecast to support the Strategic Business Plan Update.
WHEREAS, Resolution 31534, approved by the City Council on August 11, 2014, adopted the Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) 2015-2020 Strategic Business Plan; and
WHEREAS, SPU's Strategic Business Plan establishes the utility's vision, mission, and strategic framework, and highlights utility initiatives and investments, essential service delivery levels, and rate paths for six years; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31534 also directed SPU to review and update the Strategic Business Plan every three years, adding three years to the Strategic Business Plan and re-evaluating the subsequent six-year rate path; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31760, approved by the City Council on November 13, 2017, adopted SPU's 2018-2023 Strategic Business Plan Update; and
WHEREAS, SPU completed a process to thoroughly review and revise its Strategic Business Plan covering the years 2021 through 2026; and
WHEREAS, the strategic planning update process included extensive collaboration with SPU's Customer Review Panel, employee engagement and community outreach and research, including comprehensive review of more than 28 public and customer opinion studies commissioned by SPU and others, stakeholder meetings, business community interviews, non-English-speaking outreach, online surveys, and social media; and
WHEREAS, the resulting, proposed 2021-2026 Strategic Business Plan contains an updated, three-year rate path and three-year rate forecast for water, drainage, wastewater, and solid waste rates developed by identifying, evaluating, and recommending reductions and priority additions to current utility expenditures and represents a lowering of SPU's previously adopted six-year average rate path fr...
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