ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to controlled substances; adding the crimes of possession of a controlled substance and use of a controlled substance in a public place; and amending Section 12A.09.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, there were 589 overdose deaths in Seattle in 2022, with the majority attributed to fentanyl and methamphetamines, compared to 342 in 2021, an increase of 72 percent; and
WHEREAS, on April 17, 2023, Mayor Bruce Harrell issued his Downtown Activation Plan and Executive Order 2023-04: Addressing the Opioid and Synthetic
Drug Crisis in Seattle, identifying the need to address the spike in overdose deaths and improve Downtown public safety; and
drug use negatively impacts the public's sense of safety and harms and threatens neighborhoods across Seattle; and
drug use is associated with
drug trafficking, gun violence, and property crimes, which the City is trying to address; and
WHEREAS, the State Legislature passed 2E2SSB 5536 in the 2023 special legislative session to address
drug possession and public
drug use; and
WHEREAS, 2E2SSB 5536 amends RCW 69.50.4013 to state that "[t]he prosecutor is encouraged to divert such cases for assessment, treatment, or other services;" and that "[i]n lieu of jail booking and referral to the prosecutor, law enforcement is encouraged to offer a referral to assessment and services available under RCW 10.31.110 or other program or entity responsible for receiving referrals in lieu of legal system involvement, which may include, but are not limited to, arrest and jail alternative programs established under RCW 36.28A.450, law enforcement assisted diversion programs established under RCW 8 71.24.589, and the recovery navigator program established under RCW 9 71.24.115;" and
WHEREAS, the State requires in RCW 39.34.180 that the City be responsible for all misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors occurring in the...
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