RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION supporting the development of lids across Interstate 5.
WHEREAS, since its construction in 1965, Interstate 5 has created a rift through the center of Seattle, splitting neighborhoods and dividing Downtown Seattle from adjacent communities; and
WHEREAS, in response to the impacts of Interstate 5 on the City and in recognition of opportunities to create new open space, better connections between neighborhoods, and opportunities for residential development including affordable housing, community members have come together to form Lid I-5 to advocate for lids across the interstate; and
WHEREAS, in response to the efforts of Lid I-5, the Seattle Convention Center provided funding for the development of a feasibility study to identify whether a lid across the interstate between Downtown Seattle and the Pike/Pine, Capitol Hill and First Hill neighborhoods would be feasible; and
WHEREAS, the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) prepared the I-5 Lid Feasibility Study (Lid Study), which found that lidding between Downtown Seattle and Capitol Hill and Pike/Pine would be feasible but challenging; and
WHEREAS, the Lid Study found that a range of different uses for future lids of I-5, including open space and housing, could be feasible uses on top of a future lid but that the location of on-ramps and off-ramps, parking requirements, and slopes will create challenges to future lids; and
WHEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan Policy GS 3.13 states that the City will "Support efforts to use lids and other connections over highways that separate neighborhoods, especially when such lids provide opportunities to reconnect neighborhoods and provide amenities such as affordable housing, open space, or pedestrian and bike connections to transit stations." and
WHEREAS, Comprehensive Plan Policy T 3.12 calls on the City to "Look for opportunities to reestablish or improve connections across I-5 and S...
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