ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to tree protections; adding new provisions related to trees that are part of an archaeological site; and amending Sections 25.11.060 and 25.11.130 of the Seattle Municipal Code.
WHEREAS, Seattle's urban forest contains many large trees of exceptional benefit and value, including the existence of previously unidentified culturally modified trees, a category of archaeological resource of particular importance to the Indigenous peoples who have resided in the Puget Sound area, including the entirety of the land area of The City of Seattle since time immemorial; and
WHEREAS, real estate development must comply with State Law, including chapter 27.53 of the Revised Code of Washington regarding archeological sites and resources, as well as consultation obligations with Tribal governments to protect culturally modified trees and other Tribal archeological sites; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31902 states that "a healthy urban forest growing on public and private land promotes a clean, healthy, resilient, and safe environment in the places where people live, learn, work, and play, and reinforces Seattle's identity and legacy as a forested, livable city"; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31902 also states that "The City of Seattle values the important services the urban forest provides to all in Seattle, such as increasing resiliency to climate change, managing stormwater runoff and erosion, enhancing public health, by cleaning our air and water, cooling riparian corridors, mitigating the heat island effect, and improving our shoreline and other wildlife habitat..."; and
WHEREAS, appropriate infill site planning allows for the construction of additional "middle housing" (RCW 36.70A.030) while retaining substantial existing large trees to provide numerous public health and environmental benefits that can take many years to replace if removed; and
WHEREAS, the City Council passed...
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