Record No: CB 120844    Version: Council Bill No: CB 120844
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 10/8/2024
Ordinance No: Ord 127110
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to surveillance technology implementation; authorizing approval of uses and accepting the 2024 surveillance impact report and 2024 executive overview for the Seattle Police Department's use of Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 budget; and lifting a proviso.
Sponsors: Robert Kettle
Attachments: 1. Att 1 – 2024 Surveillance Impact Report: Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems v2, 2. Att 1 Appendix B to G for Att 1 - SIR Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems, 3. Att 2 - SIR Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems: Executive Overview, 4. Att 1 – 2024 Surveillance Impact Report: Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note v3, 2. Summary and Fiscal Note v2, 3. Summary and Fiscal Note, 4. Mayor's Letter to Council, 5. SPD Presentation, 6. Central Staff Memo, 7. Amendment 1, 8. Amendment 2, 9. Amendment 3, 10. Amendment 4, 11. Amendment 4 v2 (added; 9/25/24), 12. Amendment 5, 13. Amendment 6 (added; 9/25/24), 14. Revised Central Staff Memo (added; 9/24/24), 15. Amendment A, 16. Amendment B, 17. Signed Ordinance 127110, 18. Affidavit of Publication
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to surveillance technology implementation; authorizing approval of uses and accepting the 2024 surveillance impact report and 2024 executive overview for the Seattle Police Department's use of Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 budget; and lifting a proviso.
WHEREAS, Section 14.18.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC), enacted by Ordinance 125376 and last amended by Ordinance 125679, requires City Council approval of a surveillance impact report (SIR) related to uses of surveillance technology; and
WHEREAS, SMC 14.18.020 applies to the proposed Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems technology to be used by the Seattle Police Department (SPD); and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Police Department conducted policy rule review and community review as part of the development of the Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems SIR; and
WHEREAS, SMC 14.18.080, enacted by Ordinance 125679, also requires review of the Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems SIR by the Community Surveillance Working Group, composed of relevant stakeholders, and a statement from the Chief Technology Officer in response to the Working Group's recommendations; and
WHEREAS, development of the Closed-Circuit Television Camera Systems SIR and review by the Working Group have been completed; and
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle is exploring new technologies to help deter and detect criminal activity in specific locations where gun violence, human trafficking, and persistent felony crime is concentrated; and
WHEREAS, the City of Seattle is committed to preserving protected free speech and expression throughout the deployment of surveillance technology, and the Council supports the development of an omnibus surveillance technology policy addressing technologies including Closed-Circuit Television Systems; and
WHEREAS, the Technology Assisted Cri...

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