Record No: CB 120888    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 120888
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 11/21/2024
Ordinance No: Ord 127139
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Department's services and fees; adding and revising various Seattle Fire Department permit, inspection, and plan review fees and related provisions; amending Sections 22.602.010, 22.602.045, 22.602.050, 22.602.070, 22.602.080, and 22.602.090 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Section 112 of the 2021 Seattle Fire Code as adopted by Section 22.600.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code and as regulated and allowed by the State Building Code Act, chapter 19.27 of the Revised Code of Washington.
Sponsors: Dan Strauss
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Signed Ordinance 127139, 3. Affidavit of Publication
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Fire Department's services and fees; adding and revising various Seattle Fire Department permit, inspection, and plan review fees and related provisions; amending Sections 22.602.010, 22.602.045, 22.602.050, 22.602.070, 22.602.080, and 22.602.090 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and amending Section 112 of the 2021 Seattle Fire Code as adopted by Section 22.600.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code and as regulated and allowed by the State Building Code Act, chapter 19.27 of the Revised Code of Washington.
WHEREAS, the Seattle Fire Code establishes standards intended to preserve lives and protect property, and is also known as Subtitle VI of the Seattle Building and Construction Codes; and
WHEREAS, the Seattle Fire Department provides permitting, inspections, plan review and certification services to support enforcement of Seattle Fire Code safety standards; and
WHEREAS, the City seeks to maintain wishes to maintain or improve cost recovery for the provision of fire prevention services related to specific permitted activities and construction-related inspections and plan reviews; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. Section 22.602.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code, last amended by Ordinance 126522, is amended as follows:
22.602.010 Title and purpose
A. Title. This Chapter 22.602 shall be known as the "Fire Code Permit and Fee Ordinance."
B. Purpose. It is the purpose of this Subtitle VI to prescribe fees in accordance with the regulatory authority vested in the Seattle Fire Department and for services provided, as follows:
1. Fees for permits including, but not limited to, permits to store, handle, or use hazardous materials or conduct hazardous processes;
2. Fees for initial and subsequent acceptance tests of ((fire protection)) fire and life safety equipmen...

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