ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Police Department; mandating that the Police Department adopt and maintain crowd management policies that prohibit the use of less lethal tools in crowd management settings unless specific facts and circumstances are occurring or about to occur that create an imminent risk of physical injury to any person or significant property damage; and repealing Section 3.28.146 of the Seattle Municipal Code and Ordinance 126422.
WHEREAS, the City Charter was enacted to enhance "the health, safety, environment, and general welfare of the people," and under the Charter the "Chief of Police shall maintain the peace and quiet of the City"; and
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle ("City") has a strong interest in encouraging and supporting civic celebrations, festivals, sporting events, and other gatherings that foster a vibrant and engaged community; and
WHEREAS, the City has a long tradition of encouraging expression, supporting free speech, and facilitating the right of assembly through public demonstrations, and recognizes rights of residents and the exercise of these rights; and
WHEREAS, the City Charter authorizes the Chief of Police to prescribe rules and regulations, consistent with law, for the governance and control of the Police Department; and
WHEREAS, on May 18, 2021, Governor Inslee signed ESHB 1054, codified in relevant part at RCW 10.116.030, establishing requirements for tactics and equipment used by peace officers, which include 1) restricting law enforcement agencies from using tear gas unless necessary to alleviate a present risk of serious harm posed by a riot, barricaded subject, or hostage situation; 2) requiring that, before using tear gas the law enforcement officer or employee must exhaust alternatives to the use of tear gas, obtain authorization to use tear gas from a supervising officer, announce to the subject or subjects the inte...
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