IRC 15
| 1 | | | Introduction & Referral Calendar (IRC) | May 18, 2015 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Min 17
| 1 | | | Minutes (Min) | May 4, 2015 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Min 18
| 1 | | | Minutes (Min) | May 11, 2015 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CB 118394
| 1 | | CB 118394 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims and ordering the payment thereof. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118374
| 1 | 1. | CB 118374 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE amending the 2014 Adopted Budget, including the 2014-2019 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2014-2019 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118375
| 2 | 2. | CB 118375 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE authorizing, in 2015, acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of the Executive Department, Seattle Fire Department, Seattle Police Department, and the Seattle Public Utilities to accept specified grants and private funding and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118376
| 3 | 3. | CB 118376 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the 2015 Budget; amending Ordinance 124648, which adopted the 2015 Budget, including the 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; adding new projects; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2015-2020 CIP; creating both exempt and nonexempt positions; modifying positions, making cash transfers between various City funds; abandoning some appropriations; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118377
| 1 | 4. | CB 118377 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE amending the 2015 Adopted Budget, including the 2015-2020 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2015-2020 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council. | passed | Pass |
Action details
Res 31582
| 1 | 5. | | Resolution (Res) | A RESOLUTION regarding certification of The City of Seattle as a Bee City. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Res 31583
| 1 | 6. | | Resolution (Res) | A RESOLUTION expressing support by The City of Seattle for all workers, including musicians, to exercise their right to negotiate fair contracts, to establish equitable business relationships, and to benefit from enforceable contract standards. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CB 118367
| 1 | 7. | CB 118367 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation, imposing controls upon the McGilvra Elementary School, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118368
| 1 | 8. | CB 118368 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the Montlake School, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118380
| 1 | 9. | CB 118380 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Public Utilities’ Arbor Heights Fire Flow Improvements project; accepting an easement for water and sewer purposes over, under, through, across, along and upon property commonly known as 3707 SW 105th Street, King County Assessor Parcel number 022303-9302; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118639
| 1 | 10. | CB 118381 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; accepting a quit claim deed from King County for real property located in unincorporated King County in the Northwest Quarter of Section 07, Township 26 North, Range 05 East; placing the real property conveyed by said quit claim deed under the jurisdiction of Seattle Public Utilities; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 118391
| 1 | 11. | CB 118391 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the 2015 Budget; amending Ordinance 124648, which adopted the 2015 Budget; changing appropriations to the Seattle Department of Transportation and to the Human Services Department; creating both exempt and non-exempt positions; authorizing the Director of Finance to enter into an interlocal agreement with the State Department of Licensing; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by at least a 3/4 vote of the City Council. | postponed | Pass |
Action details
Res 31585
| 1 | 12. | | Resolution (Res) | A RESOLUTION setting the public hearing on the petition of the GID Development Group and the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation for the vacation of the alley between Westlake Avenue, 9th Avenue, and Lenora Street in Block 24, Heirs of Sarah A. Bell’s Second Addition to the Town of Seattle in the Denny Triangle neighborhood of Seattle, according to Chapter 35.79 Revised Code of Washington, Seattle Municipal Code 15.62, and Clerk’s File 313843. | adopted | Pass |
Action details