Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/17/2024 2:00 PM  
Meeting location: Council Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 98104
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes:  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
Record NoVer.Agenda #Name:TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsSeattle Channel
Inf 2525 1  Information Item (Inf)Initiative Measure No. 137, concerning a payroll expense tax to fund the Social Housing Developer.  
Res 32142 1  Resolution (Res)A RESOLUTION regarding Initiative 137 concerning a payroll expense tax to fund the Social Housing Developer; authorizing the City Clerk and the Executive Director of the Ethics and Elections Commission to take those actions necessary to enable the proposed Initiative Measure to appear on the November 5, 2024, ballot and the local voters’ pamphlet; requesting the King County Elections Director to place the proposed Initiative Measure on the November 5, 2024, ballot; and providing for the publication of such proposed Initiative Measure.  
IRC 452 1  Introduction & Referral Calendar (IRC)September 17, 2024  
Min 488 11. Minutes (Min)September 10, 2024  
CB 120863 12.CB 120863Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain claims for the week of September 2, 2024, through September 6, 2024, and ordering the payment thereof; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.  
Appt 03006 13. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Andrew Ashiofu as member, Seattle LGBTQ Commission, for a term to April 30, 2026.  
Appt 03007 14. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Ashley E. Ford as member, Seattle LGBTQ Commission, for a term to April 30, 2026.  
Appt 03008 15. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Amari L. Leach as member, Seattle LGBTQ Commission, for a term to April 30, 2026.  
Appt 03009 16. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Brett Pepowski as member, Seattle LGBTQ Commission, for a term to April 30, 2026.  
Appt 03002 17. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Elise Chisholm Clare as member, Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners, for a term to March 31, 2027.  
Appt 03012 18. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Manav Goel as member, Seattle Public Utilities Customer Review Panel, for a term to July 31, 2027.  
Appt 03013 19. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Allison Mettler as member, Seattle Public Utilities Customer Service Review Panel, for a term to July 31, 2027.  
Appt 03014 110. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Nafiso Samatar as member, Seattle Public Utilities Customer Review Panel, for a term to July 31, 2027.  
Appt 03015 111. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Gretchen Glaub as member, Seattle Public Utilities Customer Review Panel, for a term to July 31, 2027.  
Appt 03016 112. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Miki Sodos as member, Seattle Public Utilities Customer Review Panel, for a term to July 31, 2027.  
Appt 02997 113. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Taber Jossi Caton as member, Landmarks Preservation Board, for a term to August 14, 2027.  
Appt 02998 114. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Ian Macleod as member, Landmarks Preservation Board, for a term to August 14, 2027.  
Appt 02999 115. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Lora-Ellen McKinney as member, Landmarks Preservation Board, for a term to August 14, 2027.  
Appt 03000 116. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Lawrence Norman as member, Landmarks Preservation Board, for a term to August 14, 2027.  
Appt 03001 117. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Harriet M. Wasserman as member, Landmarks Preservation Board, for a term to August 14, 2027.  
Appt 03017 118. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Rachelle C. Olden as member, Community Involvement Commission, for a term to May 31, 2026.  
Appt 03019 119. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Hunter Camfield as member, Community Involvement Commission, for a term to May 31, 2026.  
Appt 03018 120. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Cade Wiger as member, Community Involvement Commission, for a term to May 31, 2025.  
Appt 03020 121. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Max Tagsip as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03021 122. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Catherine Enriquez as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03022 123. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Harrison Sumner as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03023 124. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Penelope Harrington as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03024 125. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Aicha Sinha-Khan as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03025 126. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Sabi Yoon as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03026 127. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Sienna Roggeveen as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03027 128. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Bill Chen as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03028 129. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Caleb Goldberg as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03029 130. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Mohini Kaplan as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03030 131. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Daniel Tu Le as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03031 132. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Anya Peterson as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03032 133. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Lila Fu as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03033 134. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Juliana Ariza as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
Appt 03034 135. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Saniata Salva as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2026.  
CB 120817 11.CB 120817Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program; amending Section 5.73.120 of the Seattle Municipal Code to extend the program’s sunset date to March 31, 2025.  
CB 120835 22.CB 120835Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to Stay Out of Drug Area (SODA) zones; creating the ability to issue written orders to criminal defendants describing conditions of their pre-trial release or post-conviction conditions of sentence; creating SODA zones and providing for both the issuance of court orders relating to those zones and administration of those zones; creating the gross misdemeanor of violating a SODA order; and adding a new Chapter 12A.21 to the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120836 23.CB 120836Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to prostitution; creating the crimes of prostitution loitering and promoting loitering for the purpose of prostitution; establishing policies governing arrests for prostitution and prostitution loitering; creating Stay Out of Area of Prostitution (SOAP) zones and providing for both the issuance of court orders relating to those zones and administration of those zones; creating the gross misdemeanor of violating a SOAP order; and adding new Sections 12A.10.010, 12A.10.030, and 12A.10.040 and a new Chapter 12A.11 to the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120860 14.CB 120860Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to the Seattle Center Department; authorizing the Seattle Center Director to execute a Third Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Tilden Investments LLC for certain real property adjacent to Seattle Center at 621 Second Avenue North, Seattle, Washington.  
CB 120855 15.CB 120855Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the General Manager/CEO of Seattle Public Utilities or designee to acquire by negotiation or eminent domain (condemnation) two separate parcels of land in Seattle, for utility purposes identified as King County Parcel Number 270560-0010 located at 9740 8th Ave NW and King County Parcel Number 270560-0007 located at 711 NW 100th St. and to execute, accept, and record deeds, conveyance documents and agreements deemed by the General Manager/CEO to be necessary to these transaction on behalf of the City; placing the real properties under the jurisdiction of Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing payment of all other costs associated with the acquisition; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.  
CB 120843 16.CB 120843Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds; authorizing the Mayor or designee to enter into Amendments 2, 3, and 4 to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between King County and The City of Seattle for Open Space Acquisition Projects; and authorizing the deposit of 2024 allocations from King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds into The City of Seattle’s Park and Recreation Fund, Water Fund, and Drainage and Wastewater Fund.  
CB 120854 17.CB 120854Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the acquisition by negotiation of two parcels of land identified as King County parcel numbers 2752200050 and 2752200091 located at 21226 221st Avenue SE in King County for salmon habitat protection and watershed management; granting a life estate to Helen R. Sherry; authorizing the General Manager/CEO of Seattle Public Utilities to execute, accept, and record deeds and conveyance documents and take any other actions reasonably necessary on behalf of the City; placing the properties under the jurisdiction of Seattle Public Utilities; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.  
Res 32146 18. Resolution (Res)A RESOLUTION relating to the City’s participation in the State of Washington’s Clean Fuels Standard Program (“Program”) promulgated under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 70A.535.005; acknowledging and approving the City’s participation in the Program; and acknowledging the Interdepartmental Memorandum of Agreement Regarding City of Seattle Administration of Washington State Clean Fuel Standard Program.  
Res 32144 19. Resolution (Res)A RESOLUTION adopting the 2024 Food Action Plan and directing the Office of Sustainability and Environment to continue interdepartmental coordination, implementation, and monitoring of the Food Action Plan.  
CB 120479 110.CB 120479Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the East Pine Substation, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120562 111.CB 120562Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon former Fire Station 26, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120480 112.CB 120480Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the Georgetown Steam Plant Pump House, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120849 113.CB 120849Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the Bloch House, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120850 114.CB 120850Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the Continental Hotel, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120851 115.CB 120851Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the Beacon Hill Garden House, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120852 116.CB 120852Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon the Cettolin House, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.  
CB 120853 117.CB 120853Council Bill (CB)AN ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation; imposing controls upon University of Washington Anderson Hall, a landmark designated by the Landmarks Preservation Board under Chapter 25.12 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and adding it to the Table of Historical Landmarks contained in Chapter 25.32 of the Seattle Municipal Code.