CB 120960
| 1 | 1. | CB 120960 | Council Bill (CB) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Lower Duwamish Waterway; authorizing Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities to: continue expending funds to participate in environmental investigation and remediation of the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site, according to the terms of a Consent Decree with the United States and the State of Washington and according to the terms of settlements with multiple other parties; accept funds from other parties and indemnify them according to settlement agreements with those parties; continue seeking and accepting state Remedial Action Grants for work related to the Superfund Site; commit to spend funds pursuant to the terms of additional orders from the federal and state regulatory agencies for remedial work at sites related to the Lower Duwamish, including T-108, South Park Marina, and North Boeing Field/Georgetown Steam Plant; and commit to sharing costs with other parties regarding those Related Sites; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | discussed | |
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