IRC 403
| 1 | | | Introduction & Referral Calendar (IRC) | July 25, 2023 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
Min 437
| 1 | 1. | | Minutes (Min) | July 18, 2023 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CB 120621
| 1 | 2. | CB 120621 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain claims for the week of July 10, 2023 through July 14, 2023 and ordering the payment thereof; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02608
| 1 | 3. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of N. Iris Friday as member, Seattle Indian Services Committee, for a term to October 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02610
| 1 | 4. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Esther Lucero as member, Indigenous Advisory Council, for a term to July 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02611
| 1 | 5. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Donny Stevenson as member, Indigenous Advisory Council, for a term to July 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02612
| 1 | 6. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Megan Castillo as member, Indigenous Advisory Council, for a term to July 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02613
| 1 | 7. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Asia Tail as member, Indigenous Advisory Council, for a term to July 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02110
| 1 | 8. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Kenny Pittman as member Historic Seattle Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to November 30, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02573
| 1 | 9. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Katherine (Katie) Randall as member, Landmarks Preservation Board, for a term to August 14, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02394
| 1 | 10. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Heyiwot Amare as member, Seattle Disability Commission, for a term to April 30, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02191
| 1 | 11. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Alexander F. Tang as member, Seattle Human Rights Commission, for a term to January 22, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02193
| 1 | 12. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Phi Tran as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2023. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02245
| 1 | 13. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Olisa Enrico-Johnson as member, Seattle Arts Commission, for a term to December 31, 2023. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02623
| 1 | 14. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Marcus White as member, Community Involvement Commission, for a term to May 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02624
| 1 | 15. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Kaitlin R. Klaustermeier as member, Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to April 30, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02614
| 1 | 16. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Stephanie Ellis-Smith as member, Museum Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to July 11, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02615
| 1 | 17. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Robert D. Kaplan as member, Museum Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to July 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02616
| 1 | 18. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Dorothy Holland Mann as member, Museum Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to July 31, 2025. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02617
| 1 | 19. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Douglass A. Raff as member, Museum Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to July 11, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02618
| 1 | 20. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Robert Strong as member, Museum Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to July 11, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02625
| 1 | 21. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Henry W. McGee, Jr. as member, Museum Development Authority Governing Council, for a term to September 30, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02619
| 1 | 22. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Rachel E. Morowitz as member, Seattle Women's Commission, for a term to July 1, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02620
| 1 | 23. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Whitney Nakamura as member, Seattle Women's Commission, for a term to July 1, 2024. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02621
| 1 | 24. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Rebecca Bryant as member, Seattle Women's Commission, for a term to July 1, 2024 | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02622
| 1 | 25. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Abriel Johnny as member, Seattle Women's Commission, for a term to July 1, 2024 | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02626
| 1 | 26. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Calandra Childers as member, Climate Pledge Arena Giving Council, for a term to June 30, 2026. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 02609
| 1 | 1. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Ryan P. Vancil as Hearing Examiner, Office of the Hearing Examiner, for a term to March 20, 2027. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120620
| 1 | 2. | CB 120620 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Director of the Department of Finance and Administrative Services or the Director’s designee to execute a lease with the Department of the Army for the City’s continued use of an approximately 13,000-square-foot warehouse facility at 1561 Alaskan Way South for the operation of the St. Martin de Porres Shelter for homeless men over the age of 50; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120609
| 1 | 3. | CB 120609 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) to enter into a Concession Agreement with Sail Sand Point to occupy and use a portion of the Magnuson North Shore Recreation Area at Warren G. Magnuson Park to provide sailing and boating programs and education, short-term boat rentals, and dry boat storage. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120600
| 2 | 4. | CB 120600 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE establishing additional uses for automated traffic safety cameras and designating restricted racing zones; amending Section 11.50.570 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and adding a new Section 11.50.580 to the Seattle Municipal Code. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120613
| 1 | 5. | CB 120613 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE granting 300 Pine Street Condominium Association permission to continue maintaining and operating a pedestrian skybridge over and across 3rd Avenue, between Pine Street and Stewart Street; repealing Section 9 of Ordinance 124985; and providing for acceptance of the permit and conditions. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120614
| 1 | 6. | CB 120614 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to grant funds from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of various departments to accept specified grants and execute related agreements for and on behalf of the City; amending Ordinance 126725, which adopted the 2023 Budget, including the 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and Budget Control Levels, and from various funds in the Budget; and revising allocations and spending plans for certain projects in the 2023-2028 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120612
| 1 | 7. | CB 120612 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to Seattle Public Utilities; authorizing the General Manager/CEO of Seattle Public Utilities to execute contracts with Cedar Grove Composting, Inc. and Lenz Enterprises, Inc for organic waste processing services; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
Res 32098
| 1 | 8. | | Resolution (Res) | A RESOLUTION setting the public hearing on the petition of Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (hereafter Sound Transit) for the vacation of the south 115.78 feet portion of the alley in Block 3, Shelton’s Addition to the City of Seattle in the block bounded by NE 45th Street, Roosevelt Way NE, NE 47th Street, and 11th Avenue NE, in the University Community Urban Center area of Seattle, according to Chapter 35.79 of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 15.62 of the Seattle Municipal Code, and Clerk File 314496. | adopted | Pass |
Action details