Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/13/2024 2:00 PM  
Meeting location: Council Chamber, City Hall 600 4th Avenue Seattle, WA 98104
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes:  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
Record NoVer.Agenda #Name:TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsSeattle Channel
Inf 2525 1  Information Item (Inf)Initiative Measure No. 137, concerning a payroll expense tax to fund the Social Housing Developer.heard in Committee  Action details
IRC 449 1  Introduction & Referral Calendar (IRC)August 13, 2024adopted as amendedPass Action details
CB 120838 11.CB 120838Ordinance (Ord)AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain claims for the week of July 29, 2024 through August 2, 2024 and ordering the payment thereof; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.passedPass Action details
Appt 02915 12. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Radhika Nair as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2026.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02916 13. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Dylan M. Stevenson as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2027.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02917 14. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Nicholas R. Whipple as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2027.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02919 15. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Rose Lew Tsai-Le Whitson as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2027.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02923 16. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of P Xiomara Alvarez as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2026.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02924 17. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Cecelia Black as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2027.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02925 18. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of McCaela Daffern as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2025.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02926 19. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Dylan Glosecki as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2027.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02927 110. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Matt Hutchins as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2026.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02928 111. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Lauren Squires as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2025.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02929 112. Appointment (Appt)Reappointment of Jamie Marie Stroble as member, Seattle Planning Commission, for a term to April 15, 2025.confirmedPass Action details
Appt 02922 113. Appointment (Appt)Appointment of Eric Chan as member, International Special Review District Board, for a term to November 30, 2025.confirmedPass Action details
CB 120812 24.CB 120812Ordinance (Ord)AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget, including the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2024-2029 CIP; adding CIP Projects; imposing a proviso; creating positions; modifying positions; abrogating positions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.passedPass Action details
Res 32138 11. Resolution (Res)A RESOLUTION relating to the City Light Department; acknowledging and approving the 2024 Integrated Resource Plan Progress Report as conforming with the public policy objectives of the City of Seattle and the requirements of the State of Washington; and approving the Progress Report for the biennium September 2024 through August 2026.adoptedPass Action details
CB 120826 12.CB 120826Ordinance (Ord)AN ORDINANCE relating to grant funds from non-City sources; authorizing the Director of Transportation to accept specified grants and execute related agreements for and on behalf of the City; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget; changing appropriations to the Seattle Department of Transportation and various Budget Control Levels, and from various funds in the Budget; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.passedPass Action details
CB 120811 13.CB 120811Ordinance (Ord)AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget, including the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council.passedPass Action details
CB 120813 15.CB 120813Ordinance (Ord)AN ORDINANCE relating to acceptance of funding from non-City sources; authorizing the heads of various departments to accept and authorize the expenditure of specified grants, private funding, and subsidized loans and to execute, deliver, and perform corresponding agreements; amending Ordinance 126955, which adopted the 2024 Budget, including the 2024-2029 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2024-2029 CIP; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.passedPass Action details