SLI 335-1-D-1-2018
| 1 | 1. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Requesting the Executive and Council develop and participate in a community-led stakeholder engagement process to establish an Employee Hours Tax and/or other revenue tools | approved | |
Action details
SLI 230-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 2. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Bond Funding for Additional Affordable Housing | approved | |
Action details
GS 25-10-B-2-2018
| 1 | 3. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $100,000 from Seattle IT's SPD Records Management System project and impose provisos for project oversight and CPC Executive Director reclassification and stipends | approved | |
Action details
GS 32-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 4. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $290,000 GSF and 2 positions from OSE's proposed Fresh Bucks program expansion | approved | |
Action details
GS 80-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 5. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $161,100 GSF and 1 Strategic Advisor 3 position in DPR | approved | |
Action details
GS 243-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 6. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Reduce GSF support to HSD by $175,000 commensurate with interest proceeds transfer from Housing Levy | approved | |
Action details
GS 297-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 7. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $125,000 GSF from the Legislative Department | approved | |
Action details
GS 337-10-C-1-2018
| 1 | 8. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass C.B. 119132 authorizing an interfund loan of $4 million to the GSF to address the homelessness crisis, the loan to be repaid from the sale of property | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 235-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 9. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 GSF to HSD for homeless day center | approved | |
Action details
GS 236-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 10. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $588,000 GSF for transitional housing for homeless foster youth | approved | |
Action details
GS 237-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 11. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $2.75 million GSF to HSD for permanent supportive housing | approved | |
Action details
GS 272-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 12. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 GSF to HSD to help homeless youth prepare for educational and employment opportunities | approved | |
Action details
GS 266-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 13. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 GSF to HSD to support emergency shelter units and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence | approved | |
Action details
GS 226-1-D-1-2018
| 1 | 14. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $500,000 GSF from DPR and replace with $500,000 in DPR operating fund balance; add $500,000 to Finance General for Youth Opportunity Center and Housing Project | approved | |
Action details
GS 234-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 15. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $100,000 GSF from the Mayor's Office and add $100,000 GSF to SPU for the Clean City garbage pilot | approved | |
Action details
GS 257-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 16. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $161,000 GSF from DPR and replace with DPR operating fund balance; add $161,000 GSF to HSD to fund a prescriber for a Public Health facility | approved | |
Action details
GS 258-1-C-1-2018
| 1 | 17. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $100,000 GSF from DPR and replace with $100,000 in DPR operating fund balance; Add $100,000 GSF to HSD for a nurse to serve unsheltered homeless | approved | |
Action details
GS 259-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 18. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $1,300,000 GSF to a reserve in Finance General for creation of a Safe Consumption Site | approved | |
Action details
GS 268-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 19. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to HSD and impose a proviso for flexible and mobile advocates to assist Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA) survivors | approved | |
Action details
GS 269-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 20. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to HSD and impose provisos to support DVSA survivor advocacy contracts and drop-in and support services for Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) survivors along Aurora Avenue North | approved | |
Action details
GS 280-10-B-1-2018
| 1 | 21. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $436,408 GSF to HSD and 4.0 FTE for additional staffing and reduce $436,408 from the Mayor's Office | approved | |
Action details
GS 362-4-A-2-2018
| 1 | 22. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend C.B. 119123, the 3rd quarter 2017 supplemental appropriations bill, to reduce GSF support to SDOT; and reduce SDOT's appropriation for the Pay Stations CIP project | approved | |
Action details
GS 1-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 23. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Corrections to errata in the proposed budget and CIP | approved | |
Action details
GS 2-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | a24. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Adjust GSF, School Safety Traffic Pedestrian Improvement (SSTPI), and transportation fund revenues to reflect the November 2017 forecast update. | approved | |
Action details
SLI 13-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 25. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPU's Employee to Manager Ratio | approved | |
Action details
GS 15-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 26. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the 2018-2023 Proposed CIP and the 2018 Proposed Budget to reflect changes included in SPU's 2017 Proposed Strategic Business Plan Update (as Amended by the CRUEDA Committee) | approved | |
Action details
GS 16-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 27. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the Ship Canal Water Quality Project (C#3614) in the Mayor's 2018 -2023 Proposed CIP and impose a proviso | approved | |
Action details
SLI 30-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 28. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Healthy Foods Here Implementation | approved | |
Action details
SLI 31-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 29. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SDOT and OSE food access pilot | approved | |
Action details
GS 37-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 30. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $3 million for SDOT's Bridge System Enhancements/Remote Bridge Operations | approved | |
Action details
GS 38-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 31. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 to SDOT for Pre-Tax Transit Benefit Program education and outreach | approved | |
Action details
GS 39-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 32. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 to SDOT for a consultant study on local diversion due to tolling on State Route 99 | approved | |
Action details
GS 40-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 33. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $230,000 and 1.0 term-limited Strategic Advisor 1 position in SDOT for the Transportation Equity program | approved | |
Action details
GS 41-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 34. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso SDOT spending on the NE 43rd Street Improvements CIP Project | approved | |
Action details
GS 42-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 35. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 to SDOT for permanent Play Street installations | approved | |
Action details
GS 43-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 36. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 to SDOT to restore funding for the Summer Parkways Program | approved | |
Action details
GS 44-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 37. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 to SDOT for pedestrian improvements identified by the South Park Public Safety Taskforce | approved | |
Action details
GS 45-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 38. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $600,000 to SDOT for a new Georgetown-South Park Trail CIP project | approved | |
Action details
GS 46-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 39. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $3.6 million to SDOT to repay a portion of the Mercer West Interfund Loan | approved | |
Action details
GS 47-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 40. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso SDOT spending on the Downtown Circulator | approved | |
Action details
GS 48-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 41. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the CIP project page for SDOT's Market to Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) project (TC368060) | approved | |
Action details
GS 49-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 42. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the Delridge Multimodal Corridor Project CIP (TC367810) in the Proposed 2018 - 2023 CIP and impose a proviso | approved | |
Action details
SLI 55-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 43. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Speed and Reliability recommendations for the South Lake Union and First Hill streetcar lines | approved | |
Action details
SLI 56-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 44. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Downtown Alley Congestion Relief | approved | |
Action details
SLI 57-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 45. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Transportation Management Plan monitoring and enforcement fee proposal | approved | |
Action details
SLI 58-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 46. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Automated enforcement of block-the-box and transit-only lane violations | approved | |
Action details
SLI 60-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 47. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Transportation Network Company adoption of Autonomous Vehicle technology | approved | |
Action details
SLI 61-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 48. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SDOT CIP Transparency | approved | |
Action details
SLI 62-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 49. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Implementation of Move Seattle Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Corridors | approved | |
Action details
GS 69-10-B-1-2018
| 1 | 50. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $61,294 GSF and .5 FTE Strategic Advisor I to Arts to be a liaison between Arts and SDCI | approved | |
Action details
GS 70-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 51. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Impose a proviso on $150,000 in the Arts budget for implementation of Creation, Activation, and Preservation of Cultural Space (CAP) recommendation | approved | |
Action details
SLI 71-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 52. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by Arts on creating a cultural space management public development authority (PDA) | approved | |
Action details
GS 72-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 53. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $100,000 to GSF from ARTS admission tax, add $100,000 GSF to OED, and impose a proviso on $100,000 for Office of Film and Music (OFM) to contract for supporting advancement of the film and media production sector | approved | |
Action details
GS 73-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 54. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $35,000 of fund balance in DPR for community planning for Hubbard Homestead Park | approved | |
Action details
GS 74-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 55. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Create a new Magnuson Park Community Center CIP project and transfer funding from the Community Center Rehab CIP project to the Lake City Community Center CIP project and the new CIP project | approved | |
Action details
GS 75-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 56. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $69,000 of fund balance in DPR for operation of seven wading pools | approved | |
Action details
GS 76-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 57. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $138,353 of DPR fund balance and add three positions to increase staffing at Magnuson Park Community Center | approved | |
Action details
GS 77-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 58. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $21,600 of fund balance in DPR to purchase 12 emergency preparedness boxes for placement in City parks | approved | |
Action details
GS 79-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 59. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $150,000 in REET I in DPR for P-Patch Space Planning and make corresponding modifications to the DPR CIP | approved | |
Action details
GS 80-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 60. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $153,750 GSF support for a Manager 3 position in DPR to fund the My Brother's Keeper mentoring program, add $153,750 GSF to HSD for Food Banks, and impose a proviso | approved | |
Action details
GS 83-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 61. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $200,000 GSF from DPR and replace with $200,000 in DPR operating fund balance | approved | |
Action details
GS 88-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 62. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $250,000 GSF from Seattle Center, reduce Long Range Investment Plan CIP, and increase use of fund balance | approved | |
Action details
GS 97-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 63. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $100,000 GSF to SOCR and impose a proviso for funding a comprehensive community-based youth diversion program | approved | |
Action details
GS 98-10-E-1-2018
| 1 | 64. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 GSF to SOCR for Zero Youth Detention initiative contracts and capacity building and reduce $175,000 from the Mayor's Office budget | approved | |
Action details
GS 99-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 65. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to SOCR to fund a racial equity toolkit process to determine office structure and design and a temporary Strategic Advisor I position | approved | |
Action details
GS 116-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 66. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $2,855,000 of Library Capital Subfund fund balance to the Library for a multi-use facility | approved | |
Action details
GS 117-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 67. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $51,750 GSF to the Library for Wi-Fi hotspots | approved | |
Action details
GS 126-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 68. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $125,000 GSF to OIRA to expand the Ready to Work program to SW Seattle | approved | |
Action details
GS 131-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 69. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut three vacant positions and add three positions to OPCD to support community planning and planning for ST3 and reduce GSF appropriations by $75,094 | approved | |
Action details
SLI 134-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 70. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by OPCD on work to support Seattle School District facility planning | approved | |
Action details
SLI 135-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 71. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | OPCD report on community planning prioritization | approved | |
Action details
GS 138-3-A-2-2018
| 1 | 72. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 GSF to HSD for tenant outreach and support services | approved | |
Action details
GS 139-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 73. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $130,000 GSF to SDCI to make a sunset position ongoing in Code Development | approved | |
Action details
GS 139-2-B-2-2018
| 1 | 74. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 GSF and add a 0.5 FTE term limited position in SDCI to develop an enhanced Vacant Building Monitoring Program. | approved | |
Action details
SLI 140-2-A-3-2018
| 1 | 75. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SDCI and OED report on outreach to affected communities regarding Seattle's Unreinforced Masonry (URM) building policy | approved | |
Action details
GS 141-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 76. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $50,000 GSF from SDCI and add $50,000 from the Cumulative Reserve Subfund-Unrestricted (CRS-U) fund for Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance (TRAO) staffing. | approved | |
Action details
GS 142-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 77. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $450,000 GSF from SDCI and replace with $450,000 from the Planning and Development Fund's fund balance | approved | |
Action details
GS 161-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 78. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $400,000 GSF to DEEL for homeless child care program | approved | |
Action details
GS 162-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 79. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $200,000 GSF to DEEL to support educator workforce diversity and the bilingual teacher pipeline | approved | |
Action details
SLI 163-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 80. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report on including K-12 education programs funded by the Sweetened Beverage Tax in future Families and Education Levy | approved | |
Action details
SLI 164-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 81. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Public sector child care program study | approved | |
Action details
GS 165-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 82. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $760,000 GSF from DEEL and replace with fund balance usage | approved | |
Action details
GS 168-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 83. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $60,000 GSF to OED in 2018 for garbage pickup and street cleaning in Chinatown-ID | approved | |
Action details
GS 170-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 84. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 GSF to OED for a legacy business and community based economic development program and impose a proviso | approved | |
Action details
SLI 170-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | 85. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by OED on financial tools for Legacy Businesses | approved | |
Action details
SLI 79-2-B-1-2018
| 1 | 86. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | P-Patch program report by DON | approved | |
Action details
GS 181-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 87. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $113,540 GSF and a Strategic Advisor 1 position to DON to support Design Review outreach starting in the second quarter | approved | |
Action details
SLI 183-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 88. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Review of DON fees for new construction projects to improve cost recovery | approved | |
Action details
SLI 195-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 89. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SFD and SPD report on building first responder partnerships with social and health service providers or other resources | approved | |
Action details
GS 201-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 90. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $324,853 GSF to SPD for 2.0 FTE and training for Office of Police Accountability | approved | |
Action details
GS 24-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 91. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $211,359 from Applications Development - SPD project (D601TCSPD) in Seattle IT for SPD Records Management System | approved | |
Action details
SLI 26-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 92. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD Records Management System monthly capital project oversight reports | approved | |
Action details
SLI 202-1-A-3-2018
| 1 | 93. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD Report on Overtime Policy Implementation | approved | |
Action details
SLI 203-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 94. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD Overtime Overexpenditure Workgroup | approved | |
Action details
SLI 204-1-B-3-2018
| 1 | 95. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD smartphone business case | approved | |
Action details
GS 205-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 96. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $75,000 GSF to SPD to support a South Park public safety coordinator | approved | |
Action details
SLI 206-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 97. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SPD Training Report | approved | |
Action details
SLI 207-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 98. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report on SPD enforcement of vehicle noise and cruising on Alki | approved | |
Action details
SLI 213-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 99. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Creation of Georgetown Public Safety Task Force | approved | |
Action details
SLI 232-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 100. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion contract administration | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 209-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 101. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $374,616 GSF to CPC for 2.5 FTE and contracting and expenses | approved | |
Action details
GS 210-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 102. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $9,542 GSF from CPC with position and expense adjustments and add $9,542 GSF to OIRA for Legal Defense Fund costs | approved | |
Action details
GS 225-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 103. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 from GSF to OH to fund exploration of community ownership housing models | approved | |
Action details
GS 227-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 104. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $75,000 of fund balance in OH to support the Home and Hope Project | approved | |
Action details
GS 233-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 105. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $450,357 GSF from FAS and add $450,357 and 6.5 FTE to HSD for unsheltered homelessness programming | approved | |
Action details
GS 240-1-C-2-2018
| 1 | 106. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on unauthorized encampment removals | approved | |
Action details
GS 241-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 107. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on fencing related to unauthorized encampments | approved | |
Action details
SLI 242-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 108. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | FAS reporting on Navigation Team pursuant to City Auditor reporting plan recommendations | approved | |
Action details
GS 255-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 109. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $60,000 GSF to HSD to increase programming for seniors in Lake City and create programming in Northgate | approved | |
Action details
SLI 260-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 110. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) expansion | approved | |
Action details
SLI 261-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 111. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Feasibility study for siting a safe consumption site in Seattle | approved | |
Action details
GS 262-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 112. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on spending for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) scan card project | approved | |
Action details
GS 267-10-B-1-2018
| 1 | 113. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to HSD and impose a proviso for legal representation of DVSA survivors for Sexual Assault Protection Order cases and reduce $50,000 GSF from the Mayor's Office budget | approved | |
Action details
GS 274-10-B-1-2018
| 1 | 114. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $150,000 GSF to HSD to assist parents in overcoming barriers to regaining custody of their children and reduce $150,000 from the Mayor's Office budget | approved | |
Action details
SLI 270-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 115. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report regarding how the Executive plans to implement Resolution 31775, strengthening public safety by affirming the City's support for immigrant and refugee witnesses, survivors, and victims of crime | heard in Committee | |
Action details
GS 275-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 116. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $25,000 GSF to HSD to support training for a pilot program supporting youth | approved | |
Action details
GS 276-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 117. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $50,000 GSF to Finance General for a feasibility study regarding alternatives to youth detention | approved | |
Action details
GS 277-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 118. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $10,000 to Finance General reserves for implementation of recommendations from the Seattle Leadership, Intervention, and Change (LINC) Steering Committee summit | approved | |
Action details
SLI 281-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 119. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by HSD and SDHR on disparities between internal and contracted human service provider wages | approved | |
Action details
GS 282-1-C-1-2018
| 1 | 120. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $450,000 GSF to HSD to support authorized encampments | approved | |
Action details
GS 283-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 121. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on spending related to vehicular residences | heard in Committee | |
Action details
SLI 287-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 122. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Surveillance Impact Report for Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) | approved | |
Action details
GS 289-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 123. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Reduce $500,000 GSF from Finance General, increase $500,000 GSF to HSD and impose provisos for funding to support survivors of sexual assault | approved | |
Action details
GS 291-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 124. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Increase a half-time Executive Assistant position in OCA to full-time and add $41,694 GSF to cover the cost of this increase. | approved | |
Action details
GS 292-10-A-1-2018
| 1 | 125. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $173,356 GSF to the Office of City Auditor for the Secure Scheduling evaluation. | approved | |
Action details
GS 293-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 126. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Cut $200,000 GSF from OCA (Office of City Auditor) for surveillance technology review | approved | |
Action details
GS 294-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 127. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $500,000 GSF to OCA for the Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) evaluation work in 2018, and pass C.B. 119134 authorizing an interfund loan to be repaid by SBT revenue. | approved | |
Action details
GS 132-1-C-1-2018
| 1 | 128. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $50,000 GSF to LEG for the Accessory Dwelling Unit EIS | approved | |
Action details
GS 295-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 129. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $50,000 GSF to LEG to fund SOCR's racial equity toolkit process regarding structure and design of SOCR | approved | |
Action details
SLI 296-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 130. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Create and outline an inclusive role of Boards and Commissions in the City Council Budget Review Process | approved | |
Action details
GS 332-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 131. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $100,000 GSF support to the Legislative Department to conduct a study of the feasibility of establishing a City-owned public bank | approved | |
Action details
GS 300-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 132. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Reduce $138,235 GSF from Finance General and increase $161,138 GSF in LAW and add a Manager III position in LAW for the DV firearm forfeiture program | approved | |
Action details
GS 302-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 133. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $15,000 GSF to LAW to contract for trace data reporting | approved | |
Action details
SLI 303-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 134. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | LAW, SMC, and SOCR report on bail reform | approved | |
Action details
GS 313-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 135. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $43,800 GSF to SMC to provide subsidized remote home monitoring slots to indigent people at risk of or experiencing homelessness | approved | |
Action details
GS 327-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 136. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $52,942 GSF to OIR to restore human services advocacy funding | approved | |
Action details
GS 333-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 137. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend the FAS CIP to cut $1 million in 2018 from the SPD North Area Interim and Long-term Facilities project and use the funds for participatory budgeting | approved | |
Action details
SLI 336-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 138. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Requesting FAS review the costs of all regulatory fees and report to the Council on the level of General Subfund subsidy involved in each one | approved | |
Action details
GS 348-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 139. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $204,000 GSF to FAS for the Priority Hire Program and impose two budget provisos | approved | |
Action details
SLI 356-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 140. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Restructuring the Judgment and Claims Subfund | approved | |
Action details
SLI 400-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 141. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | SLI to Develop Recommendations on Worker Retention Protections | approved | |
Action details
SLI 401-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 142. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by CBO on options for the use of revenues from the Income Tax on High-Income Residents | approved | |
Action details
SLI 402-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | 143. | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report by the Executive on reentry recommendations | approved | |
Action details
SLI 59-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report on Bridge Safety Analysis study | approved | |
Action details
GS 229-1-C-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Appropriate $100,000 of fund balance in OH to support pre-development costs for a mixed-used project in Pioneer Square assisting American Indian and Alaska Native Individuals | approved | |
Action details
GS 240-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on unauthorized encampment removals in certain areas | approved | |
Action details
GS 403-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Add $25,000 GSF to HSD to support transportation and activities for low-income seniors in Chinatown-ID and reduce $25,000 from the Mayor's Office budget | approved | |
Action details
GS 500-4-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass C.B. 119132 authorizing an interfund loan of $4 million to the GSF to address the homelessness crisis, the loan to be repaid from the sale of property | rejected | |
Action details
GS 500-4-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass C.B. 119132 authorizing an interfund loan of $3.8 million to the GSF to address the homelessness crisis, the loan to be repaid from the sale of property | approved | |
Action details
GS 600-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Increase support to FAS by $100,000 GSF for developing an implementation plan for an Employee Hours Tax, and cut $100,000 GSF from the Mayor's Office | approved | |
Action details
GS 337-10-D-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass C.B. 119132 authorizing an interfund loan of $4.3 million to the GSF to address the homelessness crisis, the loan to be repaid from the sale of property | approved | |
Action details
SLI 232-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion contract administration | approved | |
Action details
SLI 270-1-C-1-2018
| 1 | | | Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) | Report regarding how the Executive plans to implement Resolution 31775, strengthening public safety by affirming the City's support for immigrant and refugee witnesses, survivors, and victims of crime | approved | |
Action details
GS 283-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Proviso on spending related to vehicular residences and Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion | approved | |
Action details
GS 351-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 144. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass C.B. 119129, add $1.3M GSF and five positions to FAS, and add $3.4M GSF to Seattle IT to implement the short-term rental tax and regulatory license | approved | |
Action details
GS 362-1-B-2-2018
| 1 | 145. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass as amended C.B. 119123, the third quarter 2017 supplemental appropriations ordinance. | approved | |
Action details
GS 372-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 146. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119102 authorizing Seattle Public Utilities to issue up $210 million in revenue bonds to support the Drainage and Wastewater Fund capital program | approved | |
Action details
GS 373-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 147. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119103 authorizing refinancing to lower interest rates of issued Drainage and Wastewater Fund revenue bonds | approved | |
Action details
GS 374-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 148. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119101 authorizing Seattle Public Utilities to issue up to $14.5 million in revenue bonds to support the Solid Waste Fund capital program | approved | |
Action details
GS 375-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 149. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119100 authorizing refinancing to lower interest rates on issued Solid Waste Fund revenue bonds | approved | |
Action details
GS 376-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 150. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119108 correcting omissions in the DPR Fee Ordinance | approved | |
Action details
GS 377-3-A-1-2018
| 1 | 151. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Amend and pass as amended C.B. 119125; HSD Results Based Accountability contracting | approved | |
Action details
GS 378-1-B-1-2018
| 1 | 152. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119135- Equitable Development Initiative interfund loan | approved | |
Action details
GS 378-2-A-1-2018
| 1 | 153. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119128 establishing a public purpose and authorizing funding agreements for OPCD's Equitable Development Initiative | approved | |
Action details
GS 379-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 154. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119113; Seattle Retirement Savings Plan | approved | |
Action details
GS 380-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 155. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119098 to extend the interfund term loan for the Mercer West Project. | approved | |
Action details
GS 381-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 156. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119099 amending the Street Use Permit Fee Schedule | approved | |
Action details
GS 382-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 157. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119115 amending Ordinance 121176 to remove performance pay for the head of City Light | approved | |
Action details
GS 383-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 158. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119107, SDCI's Emergency Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance | approved | |
Action details
GS 384-1-A-1-2018
| 1 | 159. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119106, SDCI's 2018 Fee Ordinance | approved | |
Action details
GS 385-1-A-2-2018
| 1 | 160. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119124; SDOT Grant Applications Approval | approved | |
Action details
GS 387-1-A-3-2018
| 1 | 161. | | Council Budget Action (CBA) | Pass C.B. 119136 directing SPD withdrawal from the federal 1033 program | approved | |
Action details
CB 119098
| 1 | | CB 119098 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the financing of the Mercer West project; amending Ordinance 124904 to extend the term of an interfund loan. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119099
| 1 | | CB 119099 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to street and sidewalk use; amending the Street Use Permit Fee Schedule authorized by Section 15.04.074 of the Seattle Municipal Code. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119100
| 1 | | CB 119100 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the solid waste system of The City of Seattle; authorizing the issuance and sale, from time to time in multiple series, of solid waste system refunding revenue bonds, for the purpose of carrying out the current or advance refunding of all or a portion of the City’s outstanding solid waste system revenue bonds pursuant to an approved refunding plan, providing for the reserve requirement and paying the administrative costs of carrying out such refundings and paying costs of issuance of the Refunding Parity Bonds; describing the lien of those Refunding Parity Bonds; providing parameters for the bond sale terms including conditions, covenants, and other sale terms; rescinding the authorization to issue any future Refunding Parity Bonds under Ordinance 121940 (as amended by Ordinance 122498, as amended and restated by Ordinance 124915); authorizing the Director of Finance to enter into agreements providing for the disposition of the Refunding proceeds; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119101
| 1 | | CB 119101 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the solid waste system of The City of Seattle; adopting a system or plan of additions and betterments to and extensions of the solid waste system; authorizing the issuance and sale of solid waste system revenue bonds, in one or more series, for the purposes of paying part of the cost of carrying out that system or plan, providing for the reserve requirement and paying the costs of issuance of the bonds; providing parameters for the bond sale terms including conditions, covenants, and other sale terms; describing the lien of the bonds; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119102
| 1 | | CB 119102 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the drainage and wastewater system of The City of Seattle; adopting a system or plan of additions and betterments to and extensions of the existing drainage and wastewater system; authorizing the issuance and sale of drainage and wastewater revenue bonds in one or more series for the purposes of paying part of the cost of carrying out that system or plan, providing for the reserve requirement, and paying the costs of issuance of the bonds; providing parameters for the bond sale terms including conditions, covenants, and other sale terms; describing the lien of those bonds; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119103
| 1 | | CB 119103 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the drainage and wastewater system of The City of Seattle; authorizing the issuance and sale, from time to time in multiple series, of drainage and wastewater refunding revenue bonds for the purpose of carrying out the current or advance refunding of all or a portion of the City’s outstanding drainage and wastewater revenue bonds pursuant to an approved refunding plan, providing for the reserve requirement, and paying the administrative costs of carrying out such refundings and paying costs of issuance of the Refunding Parity Bonds; describing the lien of those Refunding Parity Bonds; providing parameters for the bond sale terms including conditions, covenants, and other sale terms; rescinding the authorization to issue any future Refunding Parity Bonds under Ordinance 121938 (as amended by Ordinances 122209 and 122637, as amended and restated by Ordinance 124338, and as further amended by Ordinance 124914); authorizing the Director of Finance to enter into agreements providing for the disposition of the Refunding Parity Bond proceeds; and ratifying and confi | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119106
| 1 | | CB 119106 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE related to fees and charges for permits and activities of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections and related fees by other departments, and technical corrections; amending Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 22.900B, General Provisions; Chapter 22.900C, Fees for Land Use Review; Chapter 22.900D, Fees for New and Altered Buildings and Equipment; Chapter 22.900E, Fees for Certificates and Registrations; Chapter 22.900F, Compliance and Other Inspections; and Chapter 22.900G, Fees Collected for Other Departments. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119107
| 1 | | CB 119107 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE related to The City of Seattle’s Emergency Relocation Assistance Program, as administered by the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections; and amending Section 22.202.060 of the Seattle Municipal Code. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119108
| 1 | | CB 119108 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; establishing the 2018 fee schedule for the use of park properties and other park and recreation facilities and services; and superseding previous park and recreation fee schedules. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119115
| 1 | | CB 119115 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; amending Ordinance 121176 to remove certain performance pay provisions. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119113
| 1 | | CB 119113 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to employment in Seattle; adding a new Chapter 14.36 to the Seattle Municipal Code; and establishing a retirement-savings program for certain employees working in Seattle. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119124
| 1 | | CB 119124 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE conditioning the Seattle Department of Transportation’s 2018 grant applications. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119123
| 1 | | CB 119123 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 125207, which adopted the 2017 Budget, including the 2017-2022 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (commonly known as the 3rd quarter supplemental); changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; revising project allocations for certain projects in the 2017-2022 CIP; making cash transfers between various City funds; transferring positions; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council. | pass as amended | Pass |
Action details
CB 119125
| 1 | | CB 119125 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to contracting by the Human Services Department; adding a new Section 3.20.050 to the Seattle Municipal Code to provide that the Seattle Human Services Department utilize a results-based framework for designing human service investments; amending Section 3.20.030 of the Seattle Municipal Code to clarify the duties of the Director of the Human Services Department with respect to contracting for human services to carry out department programs; and adding a new Section 20.50.020 to the Seattle Municipal Code to exempt contracts for human services executed by the Director from provisions of Chapter 20.50. | | |
Action details
CB 119128
| 1 | | CB 119128 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Equitable Development Initiative; establishing a public purpose and authorizing the Director of the Office of Planning and Community Development to execute funding agreements for and on behalf of the City related to implementation of the Equitable Development Initiative. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119129
| 1 | | CB 119129 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the financing of tax administration system improvements and regulatory licensing systems in the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; authorizing an interfund loan in the amount of $4,692,000 from the Seattle Information Technology Operating Fund to the General Subfund Fund. | pass as amended | Pass |
Action details
CB 119132
| 1 | | CB 119132 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the financing of certain general government programs; authorizing an interfund loan from the Housing Incentive Subfund of the Office of Housing Fund to the General Subfund Fund. | pass as amended | Pass |
Action details
CB 119134
| 1 | | CB 119134 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the financing of 2018 activities evaluating effects of the Sweetened Beverage Tax, and authorizing an interfund loan from the Revenue Stabilization Fund (00166) to the General Fund (00100) in the amount of $500,000. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119135
| 1 | | CB 119135 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 125212, relating to the financing of Equitable Development Implementation Plan projects; changing the source of the interfund loan from the Finance and Administrative Services Fund to the Revenue Stabilization Fund; increasing the loan of funds from $6,500,000 to $16,000,000; and amending Ordinance 125207 to change appropriations to various departments and budget control levels and from various funds in the 2017 Budget. | pass | Pass |
Action details
CB 119136
| 1 | | CB 119136 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to decreasing militarization of police activities; adding a new Section 3.28.140 to the Seattle Municipal Code. | pass | Pass |
Action details