Min 327
| 1 | | | Minutes (Min) | April 5, 2021 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
IRC 298
| 1 | | | Introduction & Referral Calendar (IRC) | April 12, 2021 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CB 120031
| 1 | | CB 120031 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE appropriating money to pay certain audited claims for the week of March 29, 2021 through April 2, 2021 and ordering the payment thereof. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120013
| 1 | 1. | CB 120013 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Transportation; authorizing the Director of the Department of Transportation to accept the donation of real property via quit claim deed from the Seattle Parks Foundation, a Washington nonprofit corporation, situated in a portion in Lot 4, Block 13, University Lake Shore Addition Divisions 1, 2, and 3; placing the real property rights conveyed by such deed under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation to be used as part of the Lake City Living Memorial Triangle; laying off the property as right-of-way; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120014
| 1 | 2. | CB 120014 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department and Seattle Public Utilities; transferring partial jurisdiction of a portion of City Light’s Georgetown Steam Plant flume property to Seattle Public Utilities for maintenance, repair, replacement, and operation of public stormwater drainage infrastructure. | passed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01847
| 1 | 3. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Akshali Gandhi as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term to March 31, 2022. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01848
| 1 | 4. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Han-Jung Ko as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term to March 31, 2023. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01849
| 1 | 5. | | Appointment (Appt) | Reappointment of Maria Sumner as member, Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board, for a term to March 31, 2023. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120030
| 1 | 6. | CB 120030 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to taxation; amending the payroll expense tax on persons engaging in business in Seattle; amending Section 5.38.020 of the Seattle Municipal Code; and adding a new Section 5.38.025 to the Seattle Municipal Code. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120018
| 2 | 7. | CB 120018 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE relating to grant funds from non-City sources; amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget; authorizing the Mayor or Mayor’s designees to accept specified grants and execute related agreements for and on behalf of the City; changing appropriations to various departments; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. | passed | Pass |
Action details
CB 120029
| 1 | 8. | CB 120029 | Ordinance (Ord) | AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget; changing appropriations to various departments and budget control levels, and from various funds in the Budget; and adding provisos; all by a 3/4 vote of the City Council. | passed as amended | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01831
| 1 | 9. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Dan Torres as member, Sweetened Beverage Tax Community Advisory Board, for a term to August 31, 2021. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01859
| 1 | 10. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Joel Shapiro as member, Labor Standards Advisory Commission, for a term to April 30, 2023. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
CF 314471
| 1 | 11. | | Clerk File (CF) | Seattle Information and Technology Department request for a six-month extension for the filing of the Group 4 Surveillance Impact Report (SIR) due on March 1, 2021. | approved | Pass |
Action details
CF 314472
| 1 | 12. | | Clerk File (CF) | Master List of Surveillance Technologies (Revised March 2021) | filed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01850
| 1 | 13. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Ahana Roy as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2021. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01851
| 1 | 14. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Anjelica Valenzuela as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2021. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01852
| 1 | 15. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Samara Wijesekera as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2021. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01853
| 1 | 16. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Elsa Assefa as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2022. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01854
| 1 | 17. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Eleanor Cenname as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2022. | confirmed | |
Action details
Appt 01855
| 1 | 18. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Diego Escame-Hedger as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2022. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01856
| 1 | 19. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Edhil Haid as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2022. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01857
| 1 | 20. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Leah Scott as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2022. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Appt 01858
| 1 | 21. | | Appointment (Appt) | Appointment of Lincoln Hilliard Wilmore as member, Seattle Youth Commission, for a term to August 31, 2022. | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
Res 32001
| 1 | 22. | | Resolution (Res) | A RESOLUTION supporting the Uptown neighborhood and requesting that City departments and other parties use the correct name for Uptown. | adopted | Pass |
Action details