ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Equitable Development Initiative; establishing a public purpose and authorizing the Director of the Office of Planning and Community Development to execute funding agreements for and on behalf of the City related to implementation of the Equitable Development Initiative.
WHEREAS, Resolution 31577, adopted in May 2015, affirmed that The City of Seattle’s core value of racial and social equity is one of the foundations on which the Comprehensive Plan is built, and defined “equitable development” as public and private investments, programs, and policies in neighborhoods to meet the needs of marginalized people and reduce disparities; and
WHEREAS, communities most impacted by inequitable growth have direct experience understanding the burdens of inequitable growth and the effectiveness of community-sourced solutions; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 125173, passed in October 2016, amended the Seattle Comprehensive Plan to increase its emphasis on race and social equity, and affirm the conclusions of the Seattle 2035 Equity Analysis which was part of the City’s overall analysis of the Plan; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 31711, adopted in September 2016, identified the Equitable Development Initiative as a key component of implementing Ordinance 125173 and approved the Equitable Development Implementation Plan and the Equitable Development Financial Investment Strategy to advance the public purposes of community stability, cohesion, and affordability; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 125212, passed in November 2016, authorized an interfund loan of $6.5 million, backed by proceeds from the sale of the Civic Square Block, to the General Fund, to pay costs relating to the Equitable Development Initiative and to advance the public purposes stated in Resolutions 31577 and 31711; and
WHEREAS, the City has currently made initial commitments totaling $382,000 to three of the projects identified in Ordinance 125212; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is considering Council Bill 119114, which would change the source of the interfund loan from the Finance and Administrative Services Fund to the Revenue Stabilization Fund and increase the amount of the loan from $6.5 million to $16 million, or the full amount of the cash consideration the City expects to receive from the sale of the Civic Square Block, to be repaid with interest from the sale of the surplus property by December 2019; and
WHEREAS, the City is seeking ongoing funding sources to continue supporting the Equitable Development Initiative into the future; and
WHEREAS, the City has established the Office of Planning and Community Development through Ordinance 124919 with the authority to administer the ordinances related to the City’s planning and community development work program; and
WHEREAS, the City has designated the Office of Planning and Community Development as responsible for the Equitable Development Initiative, and for assessing resources for the implementation of the Equitable Development Implementation Fund to ensure that equity continues to be linked with the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE;
Section 1. The City Council finds that spending on equitable development investments, including the community-identified and City-approved projects included in the Equitable Development Financial Investment Strategy, achieves a clear public purpose in advancing the City’s core value of racial and social equity through the fostering the development and improvement of physical and social assets serving communities, economic development, education, and workforce training programs, and other public benefits. Specifically:
a. The City acknowledges that economic development strategies intended to reduce displacement must be deployed in coordination with the other Equity Drivers identified in the Equitable Development Implementation Plan.
b. The City confirms the public benefit of seeking out input from community stakeholders in developing and implementing the Equitable Development Initiative.
c. The City recognizes that this goal is best accomplished by partnering with community and neighborhood groups who will implement City programs. The City confirms the public benefit of furthering community and economic development and increasing access to opportunity. The City recognizes that some community and neighborhood groups have assets and resources that have not historically been valued by the City. The City is committed to recognizing the value of those resources where appropriate.
Section 2. The Director of the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) is authorized to execute funding agreements for Equitable Development Initiative investments subject to OPCD’s legislated budget and in accordance with applicable laws, using criteria consistent with the Equitable Development Implementation Plan and the Equitable Development Financial Strategies.
Section 3. The Director will report to the Mayor and City Council annually on expenditures made from the EDI funding source.
Section 4. OPCD is requested to submit a resolution by July 1, 2018 to formally create a community advisory board to advise on implementation of the Equitable Development Initiative. The Council’s intent is that membership on the advisory board will consist of leaders from communities who have borne the burdens of racial inequity and from neighborhoods experiencing displacement. The resolution should clarify the role of the advisory board in City decision-making.
Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.
Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2017, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of _________________________, 2017.
President ____________ of the City Council
Approved by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2017.
Tim Burgess, Mayor
Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2017.
Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk