Record No: CB 119421    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 119421
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 12/17/2018
Ordinance No: Ord 125740
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to City employment, commonly referred to as the Fourth Quarter 2018 Employment Ordinance; designating positions as exempt from the civil service system; and amending Sections 4.13.010 and 4.24.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code; all by a 2/3 vote of the City Council.
Sponsors: Sally Bagshaw
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att 1 - Summary of Actions, 3. Signed Ordinance 125740, 4. Affidavit of Publication
ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to City employment, commonly referred to as the Fourth Quarter 2018 Employment Ordinance; designating positions as exempt from the civil service system; and amending Sections 4.13.010 and 4.24.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code; all by a 2/3 vote of the City Council.
Section 1. Designating Nine Positions as Exempt from the Civil Service System. As recommended by the Seattle Human Resources Director in the Classification Determination Reports specified, the following positions are designated as exempt from civil service as noted below, pursuant to Seattle Municipal Code Section 4.13.010:
A. One filled position (00024524) in the Office of Economic Development; Communication Development Specialist, Senior, designated to Strategic Advisor 1, Exempt (Report #18-16716);
B. One vacant position (10006394) in the Office of Sustainability and Environment; designated to Strategic Advisor 2, Exempt (Report #18-16729)
C. One vacant position (00010956) in the Seattle City Employees' Retirement System; Accountant, Principal, designated to Manager 2, Exempt (Report #18-16788);
D. One filled position (10004480) in the Seattle Department of Human Resources; Strategic Advisor 1, General Government, designated to Strategic Advisor 1, Exempt (Report #18-16700);
E. One filled position (10005787) in the Seattle Department of Human Resources; Personnel Analyst, Senior, designated to Strategic Advisor 1, Exempt (Report #18-16653);
F. Two filled positions (00010928, 00023474) in the Seattle Department of Human Resources; Personnel Analyst, Senior, designated to Strategic Advisor 1, Exempt (Report #18-16652);
G. One filled position (00011699) in Seattle Information Technology; Manager 3, Information Technology, designated to Information Technology Professional A, Exempt (Report #18-166...

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