ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into an agreement with Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences to renovate the South Park Community Center site and develop an ongoing relationship in the South Park community consistent with the Terms of Agreement in Attachment 1.
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), in partnership with Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences (Seattle Academy), Seattle Parks Foundation, and dedicated advocates within the South Park community, has worked over the past few years to develop a plan for a South Park Community Center Site Redevelopment that transforms this park space to better serve community and the City at large; and
WHEREAS, South Park has the highest youth population of any Seattle neighborhood, yet its residents have about one-tenth the accessible green space available to the average King County resident; and
WHEREAS, a concept design informed by community input was finalized in Spring 2018 to install and relocate a play area and provide other amenities, including a spray park, landscaping to mitigate negative health impacts from SR 99, an off-leash area, and a full size multi-sport synthetic field, circular walking trail and lighting; and
WHEREAS, the current park is underutilized and will benefit from lessening the impact of air and noise pollution, improved sight lines, and additional lighting; and
WHEREAS, the total estimated cost for this project is approximately $9.8 million, and
WHEREAS, DPR has compiled a funding plan that includes state and county grants, a Seattle Park District Major Projects Challenge Fund allocation, Seattle Park District Major Maintenance funding, a 2019 City Adopted and 2020 Endorsed budget Real Estate Excise Tax allocation, and a $4 million donation from Seattle Academy for the athletic field and lighting; and
WHEREAS, this legislation will enable Seattle Acad...
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