Record No: CB 120153    Version: Council Bill No: CB 120153
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 9/27/2021
Ordinance No: Ord 126448
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; adding a new Section 23.49.167 to the Seattle Municipal Code to provide alternative development standards for small lots located in Downtown Mixed Residential zones.
Sponsors: Dan Strauss
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Director's Report, 3. Presentation (8/11/21), 4. Presentation (9/22/21), 5. Central Staff Memo, 6. Proposed Amendment 1 (added; 9/27/21), 7. Signed Ordinance 126448, 8. Affidavit of Publication


ORDINANCE __________________

COUNCIL BILL __________________


AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; adding a new Section 23.49.167 to the Seattle Municipal Code to provide alternative development standards for small lots located in Downtown Mixed Residential zones.


WHEREAS, existing development standards in Downtown Mixed Residential (DMR) zones make development on small lots difficult because the standards require small upper-story floor plates, challenging floor layouts, and complicated construction; and

WHEREAS, modular and panelized construction is making small lot development more feasible, but they require consistent floor plates to be feasible; and

WHEREAS, allowing alternative development standards for small lots located in the DMR zones of Belltown could increase the supply of market-rate and rent-restricted housing; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. A new Section 23.49.167 of the Seattle Municipal Code is added to Subchapter IV of Chapter 23.49 as follows:

23.49.167 Downtown Mixed Residential, alternative standards for small lots

In lieu of meeting development standards contained in subsections 23.49.158.A (lot coverage), 23.49.164.A (structure width and depth), and 23.49.166.B (green street setbacks), a proposed development that meets the eligibility requirements of subsection 23.49.167.A may elect to meet the alternative development standards of subsections 23.49.167.B, 23.49.167.C, and 23.49.167.D. A proposed development that elects to meet the alternative development standards must meet the development standards contained in subsections 23.49.167.B, 23.49.167.C, and 23.49.167.D and may not elect to comply with some but not other of those standards.

A. Eligibility requirements. The alternative development standards in subsections 23.49.167.B, 23.49.167.C, and 23.49.167.D are only applicable to development that meets the following standards:

1. The lot is located in a DMR/C 145/75, DMR/R 145/65, DMR/C 280/125, or DMR/R 280/65 zone;

2. The lot is less than 14,500 square feet in size; and

3. At least 75 percent of gross floor area is in residential use.

B. Lot coverage

1. For lots 8,000 square feet or less in size, development must meet one of the following:

a. Portions of structures above 25 feet in height shall not exceed a lot coverage of 80 percent; or

b. Portions of structures above 25 feet in height shall not exceed a lot coverage of 85 percent and the development shall not exceed a height of 135 feet, excluding rooftop features and any additional height granted by the Living Building Pilot program in Section 23.40.060.

2. For lots greater than 8,000 square feet and 14,500 square feet or less in size, portions of structures above 45 feet in height shall not exceed a lot coverage of 75 percent and the development shall not exceed a height of 145 feet, excluding rooftop features and any additional height granted by the Living Building Pilot program in Section 23.40.060.

C. Maximum width and depth

1. The maximum width and depth for any portion of a structure above 45 feet in height is 95 feet on avenues and 120 feet on east/west streets. The maximum applies to the width and depth of portions of structures as measured parallel to any street lot line.

2. Any portion of a structure above 45 feet in height shall be separated horizontally by at least 20 feet at all points from any other portion of a structure on the lot above 45 feet in height.

D. Green street setbacks. If the structure is located on the northern side of the green street on a lot 8,000 square feet or less in size, portions of structures above 25 feet in height shall be set back 10 feet from the street lot line of a green street designated on Downtown Overlay Map 1B. If the structure is located on the southern side of the green street or on a lot greater than 8,000 square feet, the standards of subsection 23.49.166.B shall still apply.


Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.

Passed by the City Council the ________ day of _________________________, 2021, and signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this _____ day of _________________________, 2021.


President ____________ of the City Council

Approved / returned unsigned / vetoed this ________ day of _________________, 2021.


Jenny A. Durkan, Mayor

Filed by me this ________ day of _________________________, 2021.


Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk
