ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE accepting various deeds for street or alley purposes; laying off, opening, widening, extending, and establishing portions of rights of way; placing the real property conveyed by said deeds under the jurisdiction of the Seattle Department of Transportation; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts. (This ordinance concerns the following rights of way: South Trenton Street abutting Parcel A and Parcel B, City of Seattle Short Subdivision Number 3026975, recorded under King County Recording Number 20180131900006 (formerly known as Lot 15, Dunlap's Plat of Land on Lake Washington); South Rose Street and 39th Avenue South abutting Tract 31 and Tract 32, Lake Dell; the alley in Block 34, Woodlawn Addition to Green Lake; the alley in Block 4, Hillman City Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1; the alley in Block 33, Little City Farms, Division No. 5; the alley in Block 148, Gilman Park; the alley in Block 1, Bowyer's Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 22, Hill Tract Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Block 4, Weedin's Division of Green Lake Addition to Seattle; Aurora Avenue North and North 128th Street abutting Parcel B and Parcel C, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment No. 3026911, recorded under King County Recording Number 20180516900007 (previously known as Tract 10, Tract 11, and Tract 12, Schreiner's Garden Tracts); the alley in Block 158, Replat of Blocks 65, 66, 158, 159, 160, 161, and 163, Gilman Park; the alley in Block 15, University Park Addition to the City of Seattle; the alley in Parcel B, Seattle Short Subdivision Number 3027671, recorded November 9, 2017, under King County Recording Number 20171109900007 (previously known as Block 7, Francies R. Day's LaGrande); the alley in Parcel A and Parcel B, City of Seattle Lot Boundary Adjustment 3028296, recorded under King County Recording Number 20180301900004 (previ...
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