RESOLUTION __________________
A RESOLUTION recognizing the efforts of the North Delridge community to prepare an action plan for their community; identifying a work program to implement the North Delridge Action Plan; and identifying proposed amendments to the Delridge Neighborhood Plan in the Comprehensive Plan for consideration in 2020.
WHEREAS, City Council Resolution 28966, adopted August 1, 1994, established a Neighborhood Planning Program for The City of Seattle ("City") that identified the Delridge neighborhood as meeting the criteria for being considered a "distressed area" and therefore eligible for participation in neighborhood planning along with designated Urban Centers, Urban Villages, and Manufacturing/Industrial Centers; and
WHEREAS, in 1999, the community completed the Delridge Neighborhood Plan, and through Ordinance 119789 the City adopted the Delridge Neighborhood Plan goals and policies; and
WHEREAS, in 2008 assessments of the Delridge Neighborhood Plan identified strong community support for updating the 1999 Delridge Neighborhood Plan; and
WHEREAS, in 2013, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) conducted a preliminary assessment of the Delridge area that identified community characteristics, a number of challenges including public health disparities, as well as opportunities for collaborative planning; and
WHEREAS, in 2014, DPD and the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) decided to undertake a community-based planning process in north Delridge; and
WHEREAS, in December 2014, DPD and DON recruited new and long-time community members to form the North Delridge Action Community Team (ACT), and to work in partnership with the City and the community to balance different interests, advise on the planning process, and work together to oversee the creation and implementation of the North Delridge Action Plan ("Action Plan"), including proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan's Delridge Neighborhood Plannin...
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