ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to the City Light Department; authorizing the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer to convey an easement to the City of Shoreline; and accepting the payment of fair market value for the easement.
WHEREAS, the City Light Department of The City of Seattle ("City Light") operates a public power system for The City of Seattle and surrounding communities, including a transmission corridor through the City of Shoreline ("Shoreline"); and
WHEREAS, City Light owns fee title as part of its electric transmission corridor through Shoreline, which is a portion of City Light's larger electric transmission and distribution corridors; and
WHEREAS, City Light acquired the property from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company on March 5, 1951, for its electric transmission and distribution system over, across, and through certain properties in what is now present-day Shoreline; and
WHEREAS, Shoreline operates and maintains the Interurban Trail through a Memorandum of Agreement with City Light, dated August 9, 2001; and
WHEREAS, Shoreline plans to construct roadway access over and across a portion of the transmission corridor to provide the safe connection of neighboring properties and crossing of the Interurban Trail; and
WHEREAS, the Interurban Trail provides public infrastructure that supports Shoreline's continued growth and regional connectivity for community members and makes possible an alternative transportation corridor; and
WHEREAS, City Light's interests in the surface of the property are not necessary for continued operation and maintenance of the City Light facilities; and
WHEREAS, Shoreline wishes to purchase the necessary rights from City Light and City Light wishes to convey the necessary rights to Shoreline for roadway access while retaining the necessary rights for current and future City Light infrastructure, including but not limited to transmiss...
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