ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning; amending Section 23.41.010 of the Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) to adopt revised Neighborhood Design Guidelines for the Roosevelt Urban Village; and amending Section 23.41.012 of the SMC to replace Map A for 23.41.012 and make minor corrections to clarify legislative intent.
WHEREAS, in 2000 the City Council adopted Ordinance 120081 approving Neighborhood Design Guidelines for the Roosevelt Urban Village; and
WHEREAS, Sound Transit is currently constructing a new light rail transit station in the Roosevelt neighborhood that is scheduled to be completed in 2020; and
WHEREAS, in 2012 the City Council adopted Ordinance 123816 approving higher density zoning for the Roosevelt Urban Village in order to accommodate transit-oriented development near future light rail service in the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, in 2012 the City Council passed Resolution 31347 directing the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) to update the Neighborhood Design Guidelines for the Roosevelt Urban Village and prepare a streetscape concept plan to ensure livability is enhanced along with new development; and
WHEREAS, in November 2013, the Directors of DPD and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) approved the Roosevelt Neighborhood Streetscape Concept Plan as an appendix to the City's Right-of-Way Improvements Manual; and
WHEREAS, the Roosevelt Urban Village has experienced significant development over the past year, placing emphasis on the need for neighborhood-specific design guidelines to ensure project design is in keeping with the Neighborhood Plan goals; and
WHEREAS, the Roosevelt reservoir site is currently zoned single-family and, therefore, not subject to design review. If this area is rezoned to a multifamily or mixed-use zone that is subject to design review in the future, the design guidelines would apply to this area; ...
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