ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation to execute and accept from Seattle School District 1, on behalf of The City of Seattle, a Reciprocal Right of Entry License Agreement concerning Helene Madison Pool (Ingraham High School) and Southwest Teen Life Center and Pool (Chief Sealth High School).
WHEREAS, The City of Seattle's Seattle Parks and Recreation Department ("City") and Seattle School District 1 ("District") have cooperated in shared use of grounds and facilities, including parking lots, at their adjacent facilities: Helene Madison Pool and Edward S. Ingraham High School, and Southwest Teen Life Center and Pool and Chief Sealth International High School, under separate reciprocal agreements entered into in 1958 and 2004 by the Board of Park Commissioners and the Seattle School Board of Directors ("Agreements"); and
WHEREAS, the prior Agreements have expired, and both the City and the District wish to cooperate on shared access to their adjacent facilities; and
WHEREAS, the District has expanded and remodeled Edward S. Ingraham High School and wishes to continue using Helene Madison Pool auxiliary parking lot for students and staff; and
WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue using the parking lot at Chief Sealth High School for users of the Southwest Teen Life Center and Pool; and
WHEREAS, the City has agreed to allow the District's use of the Helene Madison Pool auxiliary parking lot for parking during school hours, and the District will allow the City's use of a portion of the Chief Sealth High School parking lot for parking anytime during the day; and
WHEREAS, the District and City appraised their properties and determined that parking access at Helene Madison Pool has equivalent value to parking access at Chief Sealth High School; and
WHEREAS, the District and City wish to execute a new agreement to define terms, conditions, maintena...
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