ORDINANCE __________________
COUNCIL BILL __________________
AN ORDINANCE relating to emergency communications; amending Ordinance 126237, which adopted the 2021 Budget; modifying a proviso; and ratifying and confirming certain prior acts.
WHEREAS, the shared vision for reimagining Seattle's system of community safety recognizes the importance of providing alternatives to armed police officer response, including civilian and community-based services and solutions; and
WHEREAS, based on community input, the Mayor and the City Council have pursued the transfer of certain functions out of the Seattle Police Department, including Emergency Management, 9-1-1 Dispatch, Crime Victim Advocates, and Parking Enforcement; and
WHEREAS, these transfers, taken in total, aim to reflect community expectations of the equitable delivery of City services, elevate emergency planning, improve the coordination of calls-for-service, increase civilian and community-based dispatch options, and bolster public trust and confidence in a reimagined system of community safety; and
WHEREAS, the creation of the new Community Safety and Communications Center allows the City to explore consolidation and co-location of communications and dispatch functions, design and develop alternate emergency response models, as well as incorporate civilian and community-based dispatch alternatives that draw on the wealth of resources that currently exist in Seattle that could replace or complement armed officer response to better meet community needs; and
WHEREAS, the City Council included a proviso in the 2021 Adopted Budget, allowing the Executive to charge parking enforcement and 9-1-1 expenses against the SPD budget until the earlier of June 1, 2021 or an ordinance becomes effective that revises the 2021 Budget Adoption Ordinance, with respect to the transfer of appropriations and/or position authority from the Seattle Police Department to a new Community Safety and Communicat...
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