Record No: CB 118472    Version: 1 Council Bill No: CB 118472
Type: Ordinance (Ord) Status: Passed
Current Controlling Legislative Body City Clerk
On agenda: 8/17/2015
Ordinance No: Ord 124840
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services, declaring the vacant property located at 5622 40th Avenue West as surplus to the City's needs; authorizing the sale of said property; authorizing the Director of Finance and Administrative Services to execute all documents for the sale and transfer of the property; and directing how proceeds from the sale shall be distributed.
Sponsors: Nick Licata
Supporting documents: 1. Summary and Fiscal Note, 2. Summary Att A - Excess Property Map, 3. Finance and Administrative Services Presentation (8/12/15), 4. Signed Ord 124840


ORDINANCE __________________

COUNCIL BILL __________________


AN ORDINANCE relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services, declaring the vacant property located at 5622 40th Avenue West as surplus to the City’s needs; authorizing the sale of said property; authorizing the Director of Finance and Administrative Services to execute all documents for the sale and transfer of the property; and directing how proceeds from the sale shall be distributed.



WHEREAS, in April 1965 the City acquired the property located at 5622 40th Avenue West in fee simple by a Local Improvement Assessment Deed as payment in full for a delinquent local improvement assessment; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) has determined that the property does not serve an essential City function; and

WHEREAS, by Resolution 30862, the City adopted amended Procedures for the Evaluation of the Reuse and Disposal of the City's Real Property, which established a uniform evaluation process for the reuse or disposal of real property the City owns in fee simple; and

WHEREAS, no other City department or other government agency requested jurisdiction over the property; and

WHEREAS, the parcel being 1,000 square feet in size is exempt from the public notification requirements of Resolution 30862; and

WHEREAS, FAS offered the property to both adjoining property owners through a competitive process; and

WHEREAS, FAS received a fair market offer from Christopher J. Meffie and Teresa L. Shupe, a married couple who are one of the adjoining property owners; and

WHEREAS, FAS recommends declaring the subject property surplus to the City’s needs and requests authorization to sell and transfer the property to Christopher J. Meffie and Teresa L. Shupe; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. The property identified in this Section is hereby found and declared to be no longer required for municipal purposes and is hereby declared surplus to the City’s needs. Property legal description:

Lot 10, Block 8, Bay Terrace Addition, together with the portion of the vacated street, less the southerly 15.14 feet, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 7 of plats, Page 61, in King County Washington.


Section 2. The Director of Finance and Administrative Services or the Director’s designee is authorized to negotiate the purchase and sale agreement and any ancillary documents to accomplish the sale and transfer of the property to the owners of the adjacent property, Christopher J. Meffie and Teresa L. Shupe, a married couple.

Section 3. Proceeds from the sale authorized herein shall be used first to reimburse costs incurred and paid by FAS in connection with the sale. The remaining proceeds shall be deposited in the Unrestricted Subaccount of the Cumulative Reserve Subfund (00164).



Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its approval by the Mayor, but if not approved and returned by the Mayor within ten days after presentation, it shall take effect as provided by Seattle Municipal Code Section 1.04.020.

Passed by the City Council the ____ day of ________________________, 2015, and

signed by me in open session in authentication of its passage this

 _____ day of ___________________, 2015.



                                                                                                         President __________of the City Council


                     Approved by me this ____ day of _____________________, 2015.



                                                                                                         Edward B. Murray, Mayor


                     Filed by me this ____ day of __________________________, 2015.



                                                                                                         Monica Martinez Simmons, City Clerk

